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RAVEN WHISPERS for November 2021

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- New Moon 5th November

- Full Moon /Partial lunar Eclipse 19th November

This month is highlighted by the Leonia Meteor Shower influencing in the background

between November 6th till November 30th. bumps, surprises and sudden changes.

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

This month heralds some huge changes especially in the career sector for you. The key to success in this area will be by being true to you. Do not just follow the dogma of others. Question rather than to submit to the will of others in control if it goes against your moral stand point. You will reap the rewards brought of honesty and integrity this month if you listen to your internal voice. There are also radical changes in the home sector indicated. Surprises await for you this month. Change is good.

Crystal for the month: Obsidian or Mahogany Jasper.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Lion .

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

This month is a huge learning curve for you. There could be a huge emotional and physical spring clean

that could engulf you. Do not fight the changes this month but rather see where they will lead. Your life is being energetically simplified but you may be hesitate to embrace the upcoming changes .An upgrade in electrical equipment or devices is a high possibility. This month also indicates an important and necessary water connection. There will be an important message coming after the full moon. Heed its message.

Crystals for the month: Marble or Rhodonite.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Bower bird.

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

This is a good month for financial gains both big and small .From November 4th, career growth and diversity is indicated. This month you have the ability to change your life and make it more about you. A charismatic individual will grab your eye towards the end of the month. There is life in the old dog yet! Many Aries individuals will be energetically pulled more towards the north - its worth investigating why. Health wise, kidney infections could be a problem this month, plenty of water please.

Crystals for the month: Aquamarine.

Your spirit guide animal for the month: The Green Tree Frog.

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

Your stubborn streak could cause you problems this month especially with those in authority and family members. You will need to be very certain of your facts before taking a stand. Changes are coming for you after the full moon on the 19th but not all of them will appear great. This could be a very long month for you, best play it safe and stick to the shadows.

Crystal for the month: Fluorite or Selenite.

Your animal spirit guide animal this month: The Bull.

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

This month is revealing some upheavals in your idea of normal or average. This month sees many, many changes that will bring balance and harmony into your life. You will investigate ways to alter the way you live and work. The foundations this month are necessary for a better future and retirement. It will seem to be a very fast paced month for you. November 21st has a little bit of a social zing to it but the highlight is definitely on the 28th. A getaway is being provided by the universe, take up the offer.

Crystal for the month: Blue Lace Agate.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Rabbit.

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

This month is divided into two groups of Cancerians - the social butterfly or the hermit! This month can be absolutely magical if you allow it to be. It is all about self expression and expansions ( but not on the hips kind of way). Weight loss is indicated or the very least some toning up can be achieved. Bad habits can be kicked permanently to the curb from the 14th if you just put a stronger intention towards it. Weather you are single or in a long relationship, it doesn't matter, improvements are on the way. This is a month where commitments will be made to other people and to yourself. You may be drawn to gurus and abstract thinkers - don't get to carried away by them.

Crystal for the month: Labradite and calcites.

Your spirit animal guide this month: The Butterfly or the hermit crab.

LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August

The month of November holds some tension within it for you but it will be easier to navigate if you can ask for help. This month could drag so establish ( and stick to ) a routine early on. Self care is extremely important for your physical and mental health. Those prone to anxiety or depression should make sure they have a buddy system in place. Health issues are problematic at best. Allergies or intolerances could manifest - best to keep a safe , bland diet this month. Money is not as forthcoming as we would like but you will have enough to see you through. possible hospital visit or blood tests will be required. This month could be harder on male Leo's than females.

Crystals for the month: Fossilized Bamboo.

Your spirit guide this month: The Ibis.

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

There are a few moral wins indicated for you this month and you will be able to conquer a few blockages that may have been plaquing you for months if not years. This will be a very fast month for you and communication will be important. Make sure that it is not all solitary for you, remember to make time for romance. Partners may be feeling a little left out or over looked during this month. Financially, I can see a few small wins but only if you pick up those shiny dimes. Abundance is all about acceptance remember , not just desire.

Crystals for the month: Rose Quartz.

Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Beaver.

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

Money in, money out - that's your whole month in a nutshell! Take another look at your budget and do your best to stick to it. Try not to make major purchases until the month's end ( 27th onwards) . Scam artists are on the increase this month as are mistakes with financial institutions. Keep your eye on receipts and statements this month and be wary of strangers. Health wise, headaches seem to be your biggest issue but they are probably stress related. Look towards destressing rather than popping pills. Harsh words may be spoken by a loved one, it would be easy to lose your temper this month. Try and keep it in check rather than regret it later.

Crystal for the month: Pyrite.

Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Scorpion.

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

This is a great month for re-inventing yourself because the universal energies are working in your favor. Make sure that you follow up on your dreams with actions to make them real. Things that no longer serve you will move on , that is if you don't kick them out the door first. Financially things seem to be flowing well and you may be able to take some bigger steps towards the end of the month. Spirit messages will be coming from all directions.

Crystal for the month: Smokey Quartz.

Your spirit animal for this month: The Chameleon.

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

Time for self reflections and hibernation. You need time to recover your mind, body and soul.

It is also time to release any old stubborn life patterns for good. Health changes and weight surprises around the 21st. This month you need to make YOU a priority in your life. A dietary change will be required around the 14th to avoid health issues in December.

Crystal for the month: Calcite.

Your animal guide for this month: The Polar Bear.

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

This month could be a tricky one for you to navigate. Step slowly and research carefully before committing yourself to lifestyle changes. November 14th indicates permanency within your life. Expect to make deep personal connections or make long term purchases. A move could definitely be on the cards. Romance and love are important factors to consider . Health wise, rest will be very important, do not push yourself too hard physically.

Crystal for the month: Jasper - preferably Ocean.

Your animal spirit guide this month: The Tortoise.



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