Harnessing the power of the Pendulum
A pendulum is an extension of your intuition as it gains access to information from the subconscious level of your higher self. You are essentially acting as a receiver to higher frequencies and your pendulum is the physical connection between those frequencies you pick up and store within your aura and the physical world.
There are many things you can use a pendulum for; the most well known use is for predictions of baby genders and times, held over a woman's hand or stomach and watching the pendulum movements, but there is so much more! Did you know they can also be used for detecting Chakra imbalances, gauging the potency of food stuffs, finding lost objects or even finding lost people (which can be used in conjunction with map work), and then of course for map work itself to determine destinations (when using maps, ensure you have a "hinge" point to the side - literally an x marks the spot on the side of the map for a reference point).

1 - Clear your mind. Have no preconceived intentions or expectations. You want an unbiased response. it is possible to influence the pendulum with your own intent.
2 - Position: ideally sit straight with both feet flat on the floor. Leave 2-3 inches between your fingers and the pendulum weight. Arch your wrist. You may steady your forearm on a table if you wish.
3 - Program your responses: Yes - similar to a head nod.
No - similar to a head shake.
Maybe - clockwise circle or counter clockwise .
Show the pendulum the responses you require!
4 - Verify the signals with a test question i.e. is today Tuesday etc. If not correct, reprogram your pendulum.
5 - Program your pendulums source every time before starting. Establish where the answers are coming from. If you don't do this, your pendulum will only access the frequency of your subconscious mind. You want to tap into your intuitive or higher self.
" I call upon the higher self to answer these questions. I seek only the absolute truthful answers which are aligned with the highest good for all concerned." Change the wording to suit your own personal style and you may say it inside your head or aloud, whatever you are comfortable with.
6 - Ask your question - ask ones that can be answered with a yes/no response. Be specific. Avoid asking for opinions or using 'should' or 'supposed to' in your questions.
7 - Be patient. Wait for an answer. Concentrate on your question not on what you want the answer to be. Remain detached and focus on receiving a correct, unbiased response. If it swings - observe its strength and direction. THIS IS YOUR ANSWER. Do not re-ask just because it didn't tell you what you wanted to hear!!
8 - Clear the pendulum at the end of each question by lowering it to touch the palm of your free hand.
Its as simple as that. Follow the steps, trust the process and practise till you feel confident.