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This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- New Moon (12th April 12:30pm Sydney time)

- SUPER Full Moon ( 27th April 1:31pm Sydney time)

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

There is a lot of pressure on you this month with everyone wanting a piece of you and the sands of time spilling out between your fingers. You may find everything is urgent this month so be very careful to avoid silly mistakes. For those thinking of starting a family, you may end up with twice what you asked for. Conceiving twins at this time would not be unexpected. Finances could be a little short of the mark if you do not stick strictly to your budget. Unexpected costs could arise as the month progresses. Irritability between colleagues or friends could also present problems. On a positive note, Education and learning new skills could be just what the dr ordered. Do not be afraid to search for answers from mentors or gurus. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you learn about yourself. Your safe space from the deluge of other peoples needs could be found in your local library!

Crystal for the month: Agate Geodes

Your animal spirit guide for the month: Rainbow Trout

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

This will not be the easiest of months for you but the end results are worth the effort. Finances will fluctuate during this month but overall you should come out on top. Expect future seeds to be planted this month that will take a little time to germinate. Relationships with family are strained around the 20th with silly quarrels and misunderstandings. possible jealousy issues could surface which are totally unwarranted. By the 28th however, order and sanity shall be maintained. Try to focus on the positives until this time. This month you will need to keep pushing past the barriers for the things that are important. Do not give up, big rewards are being universally prepared.

Crystals for the month: Obsidian and Malachite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: Tiger

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

Time is not something that will work in your favour during April. This is a wonderful month for progress if you are slow, steady and methodical in your approach. Great business deals can be made around the 14th and financial improvements are noticed by months end. This month has a very strong cosmic influence into your life with many of you yearning for a make over of massive proportions. New hairstyles, wardrobes and spiritual advancements are going to touch the lives of almost every Aries in some form or other. The new moon will have an enormous effect on your emotions and spiritual connections. Many past loved ones may make their presence felt in solid form. Supportive females should come forward. This will be the month to leave the past behind and start anew.

Crystals for the month: Seers stone and Merlinoite

Your spirit guide animal for the month: the dove

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

Poor Taurus will not have the easiest of months this time around. Emotional stress seems to keep following you with conflicts ranging from family members to strangers. This would not be a great month to get involved in the lives of strangers if you want to stay out of trouble. This is a month when health is very important. Time to cut back on short cuts and start getting serious please. A healthy diet and a healthy mind go hand in hand. Meditations or vibrations therapy could do you wonders after the 18th. Lofty goals can still be achieved but it will take work and patience to do so.

Crystals for the month: Ruby in Fuscite or mahogany obsidian

Your animal spirit guide animal this month: The Cranky Crab

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

For the first half of this month be carful of scam artists and tricksters. Not everything is as it seems. Be wary of strangers till the 11th. From the 12th on, things start to look up. Plans for future holidays or adventures could be in the wings. Associations with old friends, colleagues or lovers could bring dividends. Grudges may soon be released and a new doorway opens. Injuries through physical exertion are quite possible and hard to avoid. Now would be a good month to take up water aerobics or passive exercise like chair yoga rather than soccer or boxing. Expect major mood fluctuations or emotional rollercoasters by months end.

Crystal for the month: Phantom Quartz

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Hyena or Jackal.

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

This is a wonderful month for career opportunities and advancements. Time to grab the bull by the horns and follow through with some of your more loftier ambitions. Family members may try a little too hard to seek and hold your attentions but they have the best of intentions so patience will be needed by you. Small health issues may surface mid month but it shouldn't be enough to stop you in your tracks. Legal paperwork needs closer attention before signing your name. Thanks to the full moon, your romantic attractions will be tripled - expected flirtatious moments and sexual encounters of the energetic kind.

Crystal for the month: Rose Quartz

Your spirit animal guide this month: .The Rabbet

LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August

A positive month ahead for the trusty Leo sign. With only a little bit of effort, you should have the opportunity to advance in your career choice with promotions or added responsibilities that you will enjoy. Financial changes are inevitable but anything that goes out should return with dividends so don't be stingy with the necessary financial costs. This month should bring new acquittances through your door and social opportunities should swiftly follow. Health wise, necessary maintenance should pay off - a specialist or hospital stay may be organised or discussed. (No need to panic, you're in good hands).The Leo optimism should last with quiet confidence till the 27th when anxiety may creep in. This is a time when grounding in nature should keep you pushing through.

Crystals for the month: Pyrite and new jade

Your spirit guide this month: Tortoise

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

Timing and determination will be very important for you this month. Make sure that anything you start - you finish. The 12th should see a windfall in the employment sector for those having difficulties. People may not be the easiest to get along with so hermit like qualities may start to emerge after the 17th.You may need to harden up your outer skin to get things done. For those single and looking for love, then the 25/26th are what you have been waiting for. Romantic interludes could be most intriguing. Misunderstandings could result with family members or colleagues as the month progresses so try your best to not over react. Money is a little dicey for you, keep your hands out of your wallet and your credit card hidden.

Crystals for the month: Smokey Quartz and Hematite

Your Spirit guide animal this month: Caterpillar

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

This month should be very uplifting and invigorating for you. Things tend to just float your way with sweet opportunities and coincidences. Do not be afraid to put yourself forward this month in the work sector. Possible financial gains could be achieved and maintained as the month goes on. This is a great month for investing in yourself and taking some calculated risks. Answers are more likely to present themselves through the months of others. Let your intuitive side take the lead during this month.

Crystal for the month: Clear Quartz

Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Butterfly

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

This month could turn out to be an emotional minefield if you are not careful. People can change with the drop of a hat. Best to throw yourself into one task at a time ( starting with work) and keep a good focused approach to each project. Work situations could improve by the 17th. Financial misadventure is possible at the end of the month so save rather than spend please. Jogging or long walks could also help to keep your emotions in check. A new romance could be in the wings after the 18th but don't let it move too fast if you want it to last. Play hard to get and be intriguing.

Crystal for the month: Carnelian

Your spirit animal for this month :Octopus

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

Caution is called for during this month. Compiling a plan of attack for any venture could be the best advise I can give. Anticipate difficulties and prepare a plan B and C before you even start. Opportunities for personal adventures or projects could start to become a reality. Do not sell yourself short. Move ahead with confidence and you should see results. Relationships with family members should also improve after you learn to bite your tongue. Any long term relationships discussing marriage or babies could be presently surprised by the speed of unfolding events.

Crystal for the month: Red Jasper or Mookite

Your animal guide for this month: The rock Wallaby

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

Stubbornness could be an issue for the first half of this month. You may be required to swallow your pride. This would be a good month to restart old projects that you shelved rather than start new ones. Finishing off old tasks could be your strong suit during April. Mechanical issues could raise their head so a service may be needed. Stop complaining and open your wallet for necessities please. Financially you are moving into a new stable period. Life life sector could be getting a bit stale. Ramp up the creativity and see if you can reignite some interest.

Crystal for the month: Selenite

Your animal spirit guide this month: The Beaver or platypus.



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