RAVEN WHISPERS for April 2022

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
This month has five planets vying for attention - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
- New Moon , 1st April
- Full Moon , 16th April
- Pluto retrograde, 29th April.
- Solar eclipse , 30th April
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
This month will give you a little bit of breathing space as the planets pull is not so strong.
More headway in long term directions will be seen and permanent progress should be made
towards those goals of yours. Don't lose sight of what is important however.
Crystal for the month: Garnet
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Water Buffalo.
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
Changes will come in many different forms during this month. Expect a few small but important wins.
Energy levels are also being drained as the month progresses, but it is mainly due to everyday stress. Try not to overthink or over anticipate things. Major changes will need to be made as will compromises. Finances look good so that is a plus.
Crystals for the month: Aquamarine
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Moth.
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
Not the easiest of month for you unfortunately. Stress seems to be building up like a pressure keg as the month progresses. The important thing is to handle your stress better during this month. from day one. Routines are invaluable, as are lists and , although flexibility may not be your strong point after the 12th, you would do well to utilize the assistance of others and accept your limitations with grace and dignity. This month sees you treading a lot of water beneath an apparent ,calm lake. Ignore the sharp words of others.
Crystal for the month: Obsidian or tourmaline.
Your spirit guide animal for the month: The Mallet Duck.
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
This month will test your determination and spirit. Things very rarely go according to plan for you during April but , with a little bit of ingenuity, you can make the best of any situation by months end. Do not be too quick to throw in the towel. Health will be fragile around the 16/17th. Expect a few complications to occur.
Your family may have to be told some home truths.
Crystal for the month: Tigers Eye.
Your spirit guide animal this month: The scorpion
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
This month could keep you guessing as it is a case of two steps forward and three steps back. Finances could be in for a nice surprise by the 18th and a few little extra luxuries may in turn ,grace your home.
New friends or energies may also enter your circle which will add a much needed boost to your days.
Crystal for the month: K2
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The horse
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Ready for change? this is a month that will keep you on your toes. Just when you get things in a routine, along comes the winds of change. Best course of action - always have a plan b waiting in the wings. Finances are looking good but health is a little dodgy. Expect to be kept very busy during April. The 19th could be a disappointment.
Crystal for the month: Peacock ore
Your spirit animal guide this month: The bee
LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August
Just when things seem to be settling down, along comes another roadblock. Do not get ahead of yourself within the first two weeks or you may be disappointed. Pressure in the work sector could seriously make you reconsider your direction around the 18th. Although the universe may be advocating change, try to make the transition as gentle as possible. A family member may let you down during April. Finances give with one hand, then take with the other - do not get too attached. Food allergies and intolerances could raise their nasty head. Don't settle for other peoples leftovers.
Crystals for the month: Matrix Amethyst
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Dung Beetle.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
Romance is in the cards during April. A past love may return to try and rekindle a very, old flame. The choice will be yours. Long term partners may find a new zest for life and a romantic getaway could be exciting. Singles may be spoilt for choice or they may finally get the attention of that long term crush. Remember to keep love out of the workplace and you should be looking forward to some enjoyable interludes. Finances are looking slightly better than normal, but there are still some expenditures that must be met. The only exception to this happy rule involves Capricorn partners - there could be major disappointments or dramas with them.
Crystal for the month: Rose Quartz
Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Rabbit
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
The changes that will be coming your way are long overdue but may not be appreciated at the time.
Accepting help is never easy however they could be necessary during April. Finances are strained but not exhausted. Major health issues are indicated after the 17th with possible specialist or hospital intervention for Libras over 52. For those under 52 years - it will be a case of health maintenance being needed perhaps with the toes ( in grown toenails) or arches.
Crystal for the month: Mookite or red jasper.
Your spirit animal guide for the month: The crocodile.
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
Change is in the air and Scorpio - you don't do anything by halves this month. Relationships could come to
a screaming halt over a silly misunderstanding. This month is not about finding your balance, but rather , reclaiming it. Try and take a more subtle, mature approach to any obstacles rather than jumping to conclusions. Rumer's and scandal could also be hot on your heels, so don't put yourself into any uncomfortable situations. Health issues are mainly skin irritations or rashes .
Crystals for the month: go the whole chakra range and all at once - you need all the assistance you can get.
Your spirit animal for this month: The wombat
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
Another fast paced, action packed month ahead for you Sagittarius. You will need to learn how to set some stronger boundaries or you may well burn out. Career opportunities will take an exciting twist and your work ethic has not gone unnoticed. Expect some praise from co workers or clients that is well deserved. Finances get a much appreciated boost.
Crystal for the month: clear quartz (especially points).
Your animal guide for this month: The Greyhound .
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
Difficult people will be the bane of your month. The stubborn streak you inherited will make life tougher.
This would be a great month to just focus on a mindfulness attitude rather than a condescending one.
Expect delays in most areas of your life. Finances could also take a hard hit so budgeting during April is very important. Health is not the greatest so don't over indulge. The way to navigate this month will be to just take one slow ,solid step at a time.
Crystal for the month: Blue lace agate.
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Jackass