RAVEN WHISPERS for April 2023

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- Full moon: 6th April
- New moon: 20th April
- Solar eclipse and solar winds will play havoc for those in the southern hemisphere.
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
This month will not exactly be as smooth sailing through as you would like. Relationships and financial situations are unsteady and will need to be monitored carefully. Over spending is definitely NOT the way to go as there seems to be large expenses looming. Best tighten the apron strings and remind yourself of what and just who, is important in your life. After the 22nd, life tends to loosen up and become easier and more profitable especially for small business owners. Having one focus will achieve more results than spreading yourself thin.
Crystal for the month: New Jade
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Tiger
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
Changes in the career department seem to be heading your way for those in the medium to larger organizations and government departments, with job losses, loss of hours or being overlooked for promotions. Hang in there as this will lead to better options before months end. Keep a close eye on household finances for the first two weeks, however expenses relating to education or upskilling will be advantageous in the long term. Investing in yourself is the best advice. Possible ankle, toe or knee issues could present themselves so take care. Issues with water are also indicated.
Crystals for the month: Lapis
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Worm
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
This month you may feel very out of sorts and quite argumentative. This does not bode well for relationships or a harmonious household. Think before you speak and spend extra time dealing with your rising stress levels through yoga, grounding or meditation. Health issues could develop during this month due to extra stress, keep an eye on your blood pressure please. The 18th brings a positive change, possibly even a change in your environment so try and keep it together until then. Becoming more self reliant will be your strongest option.
Crystal for the month: Rhodonite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Hippo
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
Slow and steady is your theme for this month. Nothing magical in the works but no major dramas either. Finances are a little strained in the second week but will turn around by months end. For those singles looking for love, a timid approach will not win the heart. Take a chance on yourself you sexy thing! You will need to work hard and practice diligence in all areas but it should keep your head above water and emotionally balanced till we can make it to May. The women in your life could experience some health issues so be prepared to step up.
Crystal for the month: Fluorite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Praying Mantras
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
A little bit of a roller coaster ride for you this month Gemini. With each win comes a little loss. The good news is this should only last until the 17th and then its back to normal. A few small gambling or financial wins and a few dents or scrapes to the car - at least any downsides you encounter will have a silver lining (you just have to look for them a little harder). Possible health issues developing during this month for women that will need long term attention. The winners this month are the creatives - the artists, poets, dancers, actors and music makers - you should be inspired to great heights during the month of April and creep closer to your goals.
Crystal for the month: Apatite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dolphin
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
This month will be a game changer for you. Opportunities to get ahead from a career or business perspective will present themselves. This is a great month for interactions with people and polishing up on old skills. Some important contacts will be forged during this month but do not jump to any conclusions regarding people. Remember the old saying - you cannot judge a book by its cover! Clarity of communication is essential this month to get the best out of it. Financially there should be a little extra floating in to tide you over to next month. Remember to keep putting out those positive vibes and they should be returned in kind. The 14th, 18th and 20th are important days so watch for signs from spirit.
Crystal for the month: Labradorite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Tree Frog
LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)
This is going to be an interesting month for you with more than one wonderful opportunity coming your way. It is important that you remain ethical and stick to your morals this week otherwise you will be flirting with danger. Possible career moves that will help move you up the ladder rather than out the door but Ego must be kept in check. Finances can be used on a personal upgrade (hair, nails, wardrobe etc.) as you are going to be standing in some limelight this month and you need to make a good impression. This month its all about the little details, take the time to do things right.
Crystal for the month: Angelite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dove
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
This month you will need to stay focused in your goals if you are to succeed. Health issues could slow your progress so do not neglect your personal needs. Dealing with people may not be your strong suit this month and a more reclusive desire may override your natural instincts. Avoid people that create drama and you will be happier for it. Financially this month starts a bit tight but things should improve by the 20th. Keep focusing on the positive results you are aiming for and you will make progress towards those goals.
Crystal for the month: Moss Agate
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Otter
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
This is going to just be one of those months Libra, sorry. You are going to be faced with a lot of shadow work and past traumas that need to be dealt with. Its time you did some emotional decluttering and this is going to be the best month to do it. Remember that your past is for learning and your future is for living. No more hiding from life, if you haven't created a vision board yet, then jump to it! If there are weaknesses in your life, then the universe will help you strengthen them, sometimes that's a little painful but definitely worth it. By month's end you should feel like a new you with purpose, passion , direction and drive.
Crystal for the month: Rose Quartz for self love.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Caterpillar
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
Minor upsets could be found during the first week of the month, especially with electrical devices and any form of electronic communication. Possibly time for a computer upgrade (which could be much cheaper than fixing any problems !). It's time to put your head down and your bum up if you want to stay ahead of the dramas unfolding around you. Finances could be tight until the 15th so please be wise with your money. From the 18th on, we can expect some magical improvements on the home front or make significant progress in the working arena. Singles could be in for a flirtatious end to the month and married couples should receive joyous news. Time to pop that bubbly peeps, its a much better ending to the month.
Crystal for the month: Shungite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Electric Eel.
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
Just when you think life cannot get any better - it does! This month you seem to have the Midas Touch. Wonderful recognition on the work front which should bring a blush to your cheeks. Family relationships are harmonious (or at least, drama free....) and finances receive a surprise, but deserved, boost. A better body image will be realized. Long term plans are well underway and you are finally removing the negative energies that have been cramping your style. Just remember that not everyone else's life is going to be as sweet right now, so try to keep yourself away from potential dramas and trying to rescue little black ducks or you could find that their problems become yours.
Crystal for the month: Garnet, Ruby and Diamond
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Swan
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
A bumpy start to the month in the relationship department as well as on the work front which should ease of by the 12th. Try to keep your calm and not take things personally till then. Health seems to be settling around the eyes during this month with possible allergies flaring up. This could lead to financial drains due to medical or pharmaceutical expenses. There is no doubt that this could be a tricky month to navigate but it is not an impossible one. Be realistic in your expectations. Stay focused on one goal at a time and you will make progress.
Crystal for the month: Hematite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: Tiger Moth