RAVEN WHISPERS for April 2024

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- New moon: April 9th
- Full moon: April 24th
- A total solar eclipse for the united states on April 8th
- Retrograde planets: This months biggest influencer is the Mercury retrograde from April 1st (yep that's right , April fools day) until April 24th. Mercury is all about communication, so when its in retrograde extra care should be taken for both written and spoken forms. Electronics are usually also effected so back up any computer work that is important and double check everything before hitting that send button!
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
This month may start out with you feeling rather conflicted in your opinions of others, especially family members. Impulsive statements, however, could open up new opportunities. It would serve you best to spend more time researching rather than talking until at least the 18th. The 8th may bring some painful truths to the surface which need to be addressed and resolved in order to move forward. From the 21st onwards, you may feel a sense of release and freedom as you plot a new course ahead thanks to the uncomfortable but necessary shedding of past hurts, disappointments or rejections. This is a wonderful time to embrace change in employment or living arrangements. Many will consider moving overseas or adding to the family unit.
Crystal for the month: Lapis
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Hyena
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
What a strange little month ahead you have! Anxiety or overthinking may be prevalent during the first three weeks thanks to wonderful retrograde Mercury, so be vigilant and don't allow others to get inside your head. Finances are tight but manageable with the promise of more ahead after the 18th. Between the 21st and 24th there will be another leap of fate with some great opportunities or options sliding into your lap. There is no denying that the end of the month is better than the uncertainty that surrounds its start but the key to staying on top is staying optimistic and busy. Please keep in mind; from disappointments, opportunity climbs.
Crystals for the month: Citrine
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Elephant.
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
Money hiccups seem to be the most constant thing on your April radar. Keeping an eye on your family finances is super important so as to not get caught out. After the 21st however, things start going a lot smoother with possible pay increases or small monetary wins and should stay steady till the end of the month. Health issues also seem to be on the improve after the 18th due to healthy lifestyle choices. Overall, its not a bad month, although it does require you to stay looking sunny side up to get the most out of it.
Crystal for the month: Carnelian
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Green Tree Frog.
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
Oh dear, for the first two weeks people could be annoying, frustrating and generally in your face. Try not to encourage conflicts especially online where miscommunication could run rife. If however you keep mainly to yourself (including your opinions) things should go a heck of a lot smoother with better outcomes. Unexpected mechanical or white good expenses could arise through carelessness. The 25th should see a major change in optimistic and understanding interactions with others so keep any important changes or request till then for best results. The end of the month brings a little romance with it that could have a surprising and promising outcome if you take it slow and steady. Although there may not be a major change in your finances during this month, there is the promise of abundance to come from an outside source later on - be patient.
Crystal for the month: Blue Lace Agate
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Platypus.
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
April seems to be not a bad month for you Gemini peeps as long as you do not let the negative remarks of others get under your skin. Things may appear slower in the first three weeks, but then you do tend to be a little impatient. When you look at things clearly however, you will see that all is actually all ok. Random events will start to become more common after the 17th and around the 21st messages should be coming clearer via your dreams, so make sure you have that dream journal close by! The 23rd brings manifesting for you into its purest form (keep those thoughts positive) and things should start falling into place including an upgrade for finances, health and love. Enjoy it while it lasts and stay positive.
Crystal for the month: Celestite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dragonfly.
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Thank goodness you are one of the most patient of all the signs because this month is going to test you. For the first three weeks people in general will be demanding a lot of your attention and you will need to be firm with your boundaries. Like usual you have a lot on your plate, so it will be important that you ask for help when needed. Watch for miscommunication till the 16th and be very clear with your intentions. This month can actually become quite productive and financially abundant for you as it progresses but you will have to be on the ball constantly to get the best out of it. You are on the right path, put doubt to the side! There is a little bit of travel indicated but not much rest and relaxation involved. Watch for those roving storm clouds.
Crystal for the month: Ocean Jasper
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Eagle
LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)
This month is very much centred around work and career options for you and marks a healing new chapter being started. Some frank and honest conversations in the first week could get that ball rolling. If you are truly happy in your chosen field, then recognition or new opportunities should present themselves to you by the 21st. If you are unhappy or frustrated within your current employment then this marks the best time to initiate changes in that area. Study is also indicated for many within the working arena so do not be afraid to push yourself up that corporate ladder or change direction completely.
Crystal for the month: Labradite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Brown Bear
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
Seems your agendas are running out of steam. Prepare yourself for things to stall or slow completely for the first three weeks of this month. Unfortunately, others do not have your interests as their priorities. Anything that included others or their financial assistance to complete your plans could be put under the microscope. Contracts and legal paperwork could include more red tape than is truly warranted but there is no point in getting upset - it is what it is. Having that little extra put away for a rainy day could come in handy this month too. To get the best out of this month focus on health and home maintenance or any other projects that you may have put on the back burner. Things with the least importance will get the most headway made.
Crystal for the month: Agate
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Sloth.
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
This month seems to be bringing a lot of relationships under the microscope. Expect disruptions and conflicts to spark over the silliest of things between co workers or partners. Sibling rivalry will also be running rife for the first three weeks before life starts to settle down. Do your best to stay polite and unresponsive during these altercations. If you can stay out of trouble then you should be able to expect a shift around the 21st that works more in your favour. Financial assistance from others could be offered after this time. Be careful to avoid strains of your wrists or ankles or getting over enthusiastic on that bike!
Crystal for the month: Lepidolite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Warthog.
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
Health requirements will need to be re-evaluated during the first two weeks. Finding excuses for things during this time is apparently your new super power. This month we need you to keep pushing yourself forward as there will not be great assistance to be found from outside forces. Be careful not to allow things to be put in the too hard basket too soon. This month may see you tested but the sun should start shinning through any storm clouds by the 17th. Socializing does not seem to be heavily on the list of activities for you during April. The winning solution here for April is determination, routines and planning!
Crystal for the month: Hematite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dugong.
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
Definitely an interesting month ahead for you! Although some work frustrations are being experienced, finances are actually set to improve with a possible pay increase or bonus before the end of the month that will be coming into the household for you or a partner. Following a creative passion could definitely lead to financial improvements as well as reducing stress or anxiety so make the time to follow your dream. There does seem to be a larger than normal sum leaving the budget due to household requirements mid month but I feel it is a necessity for your personal advancement and will pay off later. Financially you should be ok during April so try not to overthink things.
Crystal for the month: Peacock Ore
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dingo
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
Spirit is knocking on your door Capricorn, don't keep it waiting! This month there is an internal push to learn more, discover more and understand more. Any lessons learnt this month will not go astray so I encourage you to pursue anything that grabs your eye. A new skill or interest will be revealed before the 11th. This is indeed a learning month for you that will pay off in a more fulfilling and financially rewarding life. Be prepared for those naysayers to come out of the woodwork testing your resolve. You will indeed have the last laugh.
Crystal for the month: Angelite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Owl