RAVEN WHISPERS for August 2023

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- Full Supermoon: Aug 1st
- New moon: Aug 16th
- 2nd Full Supermoon (Blue moon) : Aug 31st
- Retrograde planets: Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus (Aug 29th), Mercury (Aug 23rd)
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
Working smarter not harder will pay off for you this month as your intuition and creativity will both be soaring to new heights. This is the month for planning and making bold steps towards creating a very successful September. Each week will have its own agenda for you to deal with, nothing hangs around for long, so deal with things as they are presented to you. Energy levels should be high and finances should receive a nice cash injection to finish off the month. Luck is definitely on your side although it may come in disguise - make the most of your great decisive decisions.
Crystal for the month: Phantom Quartz.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: Dragonfly.
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
This month has a few speed bumps to navigate over and there is not a great deal you can do to avoid them, so just drive carefully through this month. Back tracking over old issues seems to be a common thread so perhaps its time to find peace with your past. Manifestations are strong for you during August, please keep your thoughts positive. There will be losses but this is just a part of life. Finances will not be as bad as expected. This month presents you with the opportunity for personal growth.
Crystals for the month: Picture Jasper
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Stallion .
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
During the course of this month, you may encounter more than one crossroad to navigate. Research all your options before committing to a direction. False mentors or gurus could also try to grab your attention, don't be fooled by words without wisdom. This month will test your resolve and self confidence. The good news is, you will be stronger after each situation you encounter. A fool and their money are soon parted, so you should have a solid little backdrop behind you by months end. This month will show you your strengths.
Crystal for the month: Smokey Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The lyrebird .
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
This month will be a tough one to navigate through, tackling each issue as it presents itself will deliver the best results. Healthwise your body is trying to get you to slow down and be more respectful of its needs. Financially this month could get a bit rocky, try to shop smart not necessarily cheap. Communications could get misinterpreted around the 18th, you would do well to be like the wise old owl and listen rather than speak. This month for you is more about what you have learnt over the past two months and putting that to good use rather than making any obvious headway. Its universal test time and the exam has already begun...
Crystal for the month: Hematite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: Bogan Moth.
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
This month may start on a creative and enthusiastic high but you would be well advised to be a little bit more realistic in your projects. Money seems to be flowing out and in at a very quick pace, you would do well to incorporate a little extra research into any thing that requires a juggling of the finances or reliance on the efforts of others. Job prospects are a little shaky for those in new employment but hang in there and just do your best. If you can survive past the obstacles and blocks that you encounter around the 27th, you will be home and hosed.
Crystal for the month: Unakite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Seahorse.
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
An interesting month ahead for you my Cancerian. Its time to take stock and clean out the deadwood in your personal life. Old habits or ideas need to be re evaluated. Self care will be the name of the game. Focus on the daily details rather than the bigger picture and you will achieve better results in the long term with less emotional stress. Make this month a no pressure month. Finances will fluctuate but nothing radical, in fact, you should be ahead by the end of the month. A nice little surprise could arrive around the 18th.
Crystal for the month: Moonstone
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Crab.
LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)
People will be pushing buttons this month and most of them seem to be yours. Delays and miscommunications seem to be the order of not just the day, but the whole month. Keep your cool and weather the storms. Remember that you are responsible for your own emotions, reactions and responses.
Be prepared this month as it seems to have no middle ground, its either full steam ahead or you're at a dead stop. Medical issues will raise their head around mid month, keep an eye on blood pressure and early warning signs. Do your best to play it safe in all aspects of your life until the blue moon arrives.
Crystal for the month: Lapis
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Wombat.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
Most of this month you may feel like you are stuck in the mud and get frustrated with the slow progress of projects in your life. Relax, struggling will only make you sink lower. You will not get all you want but perhaps the universe has other, better, plans in store. Clarity will unfortunately not come this month however. Apparently patience is your spirit lesson for August. To get the most out of this month; spend more time connecting with spirit - your intuition is amazingly accurate (when you bother to listen with your heart not your head).
Crystal for the month: Lepidolite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The pig.
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
This month sees the possible end to a relationship which may have been struggling over the last few months or a redefining of boundaries. Your rebellious streak will be strong but be very careful not to make drastic personal changes on the spur of the moment as you may regret it within a 24 hour period. Finances are strained but not dire. Keep to the budget as best you can. A garage sale may be needed for extra funds before months end, look at it as financial restructuring through decluttering.
Crystal for the month: Selenite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Praying Mantis.
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
You are in for a lot of soul searching this month Scorpio, especially when it comes to relationships.
Are you really where you need to be? this is the month to tidy up your emotional baggage and make some serious changes for a better life ahead. There are possible environmental or accommodation changes in the air. Be prepared for what life throws at you from the most positive angle you can find. The universe is not so much pushing you forward as possibly shoving you. Go with it.
Crystal for the month: Angelite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Glow Worm.
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
While this month will not be stress free, it is at least moving in the right directions. August puts the spotlight on your professional life with some wonderful results. Possible new contracts signed or a pay increase secured. Financially, you are one of the few signs this month that should receive a little extra unexpected bonus. Shout yourself in moderation and save or invest the rest. Losses this month will come in the form of possible broken old friendships, everything has its time and its season within your life. You best make way for the new because it is already on its way.
Crystal for the month: Clear Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Eagle or the Beagle - take your pick!
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
August will be a pretty hectic and demanding experience for you. Bold ideas will present themselves and opportunities abound. This month you will be redefining or perhaps even redesigning your life. Hard work will be needed and results will not be seen overnight, but if you approaching it the right way, you are setting yourself up for a wonderful future result. Take centre stage confidently around the 23rd. Expect a little friction from friends or colleagues as jealousy raises its ugly head as the month progresses.
Crystal for the month: Labradite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Green Tree Frog.