RAVEN WHISPERS for August 2024

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- New moon: 4th of August
- Full moon: 20th of August Supermoon (first of four consecutive supermoons)
- Retrograde planets: Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron are all still retrograde during this month.
Mercury begins its retrograde on August 5th till August 28th.
Meteor showers : 12th Perseid Meteor shower.
31st Aurigid Meteor shower.
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
This month may test your diplomacy and communication skills but at least the messy bits should be all sorted out by months end. Family and friends will be in the spotlight with quite a few eye opening bumps along the way. All is not as it seems, so do not jump to conclusions, take sides nor burn your bridges. Health is also a priority for most. Time to slow down and take that practical tack that you do so well. Finances are solid during August so at least you can start planning for that next big trip. Even though this month may force you to re-evaluate your progress and commitments, it should work out better in the long run.
Crystal for the month: Lapis
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Fire Ant.
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
This could be quite the productive month with far reaching effects for all you fishes. Be prepared to stand in the spotlight when necessary and do not be afraid to toot your own horn or stand up for your rights. Many successful mergers or contracts could be signed during August. In many ways there will be endings, but there are also beautiful new beginnings. Walk through this month with your head held high and your eye on that long term prize. Family health could be problematic but that should not effect your overall plans.
Crystals for the month: Citrine
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Peacock
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
August could just be the month you have been waiting for all year! This will be a month of progress but believe me, you will have to work hard to achieve those lofty goals - they will not be handed to you on a plate. Promotions, new jobs or pay increases are all possibilities depending on what you aim for. Debts should be reduced due to small wins, hard work or simple refinancing - either way, financially the pressure should be receding. No major health issues are indicated but headaches could be bothersome. This month seems to hold within it a lot of the answers to those things that you have been complaining about to the universe. It just takes you to recognize them and take the action necessary this month.
Crystal for the month: Labradite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Eagle
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
Could you possibly get any more stubborn this month? A few clashes with people are expected especially with tradespeople or mechanics. A fine could also be in the mail so best put some extra money aside just in case. During August, try and keep your head down and stay out of any China shops please otherwise it could be a very expensive month. Colds, flu's ,eye or ear infections could be annoying. Here is a thought - invest in some gumboots and jump in some puddles. You need to lighten up to survive this month.
Crystal for the month: Tigers Eye
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Hamster
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
A slightly difficult month ahead with annoying people and frustrating situations being the norm. Not a great deal has actually changed, its just that you're more sensitive to stupidity than normal. You do however need to take a more practical approach to this month to get the best out of it. Don't let the little things get you down and focus more on the positive aspects of life. Health seems to be improving with extra weight loss being a bonus. Finances are generally on a slow improve (and I stress slow) but something is better than nothing or going backwards - agreed? You may even get a little financial surprise on the 18th if your lucky. Lets just do our best to get through this month.
Crystal for the month: Jasper
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Donkey.
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
This month could turn out to be a bit of a prickly one for you sensitive souls. Energetically you may feel things more deeply than normal and this could make interactions with larger groups a little less tolerable. Take this month slowly and remember to get back to your basics of grounding and aura cleansing on a regular basis. Financially, things are unsteady especially if you have a habit of emotional shopping, so best put your credit card out of easy reach during August. You will have the opportunity presented to make a little extra cash after the 15th but just weigh up the returns before agreeing. Health issues will be things to slow you down - aches, pains or sprains. If you can stay out of the dramas of others, walk slowly and be respectful of your own needs, then you should set yourself up well for next month.
Crystal for the month: Rose Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Willy Wag Tail.
LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)
A very important month for most Leos. Make sure you have all the information at your disposal before handing out judgements. Second hand information, hearsay or gossip may just sway your thinking and reactions down the wrong path. Now would be a great time to do some retro thinking, especially regarding family, friends and colleagues. Finances are set to improve this month but health could take a bit of a dive. Digestive issues are indicated so listen to your body. More medical tests could be in the wind. For those Leos taking a surprise trip or making hasty travel plans, expect things to NOT go smoothly. Best leave new travel plans till later.
Crystal for the month: Apple Jasper
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Lyre Bird
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
A fair bit of stress and pressure could be surrounding you during this month but you have a lot of support behind you. Try and pace yourself from the 3rd onward. Health is overall ok but don't take chances with sick friends or co workers. For those that love their routines, you may have to cope with more of a flowing approach during August to get the best results. Your guides are very much present during August , so lean on them if things get too heavy. This month should fly by. Finances do seem to improve with the possibility of small wins or financial gifts. Overall, it all works out.
Crystal for the month: Tourmaline Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dragonfly
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
You seem to have a lot on your plate this month, perhaps you may have to learn how to ask for help? Keeping to a routine will be very important if you are going to pull off all the things you have promised so far. Try and not take on any new projects during August. Authors, students and those in the teaching profession will be under the most pressure. Find a way to bring balance back into your life. From the 5th till the 28th, don't sign any contracts that you haven't triple checked! Mercury in retrograde will not be kind to you so back up anything important and keep communications as clear as possible. When in doubt, keep your mouth shut!
Crystal for the month: Bronzite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Skunk
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
Scorpio is looking pretty good for August. Those looking for a career change could be in for a very pleasant surprise after the 7th and money opportunities seem to be flowing your way after the 12th. Health seems stable with the exception of the odd cough or runny nose however family members could have issues in this area which could upset your plans. Those planning trips during August need to be flexible as well. If you are a creative Scorpio, your muses will be highly active so expect some long hours in the studio. Perhaps this would be a good time to push your intellectual side just a little harder and enrol in a new course of study?
Crystal for the month: Fluorite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dugong
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
Don't get ahead of yourself this month Sagittarius, if you skip the little details you could land yourself in hot water. August should be approached with a very practical perspective and be respectful of those around you. Finances appear to be solid as long as you remain practical. Health seems ok but keep your distance from colleagues and friends who sniffle! Parents of young Sagittarius children need to be wary of whooping cough and other childhood maladies.
Crystal for the month: Jasper
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Cow
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
The harder you work, the more progress you make. If you make this your motto for the month of August, you will should quite like the outcomes it brings. The 8th brings some good news from afar and between the 12th and the 17th you should be rewarded financially with a small win or rebate. Co-workers should be more cooperative and family should be less difficult and demanding. A new pet, lover or child could find its way into your heart during August. Luck is definitely on your side, what's not to love about this month?
Crystal for the month: Peacock Ore
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Rabbit