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RAVEN WHISPERS for December 2021

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

Neptune turns direct 1st December

- New Moon /total solar eclipse 4th December

- Full Moon 18th December

Venus turns retrograde/ Chiron turns direct 19th December

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

A little bit of empathy would not go astray this month when it comes to family matters. Legalities will need to be addressed and rectified promptly. Do not bite off more than you can chew or your health with suffer by the 19th.Life this month is definitely not black or white but many different shades of grey. Your best success will be found in expressing your compassionate side rather than your domineering side so try to listen more rather than jumping to conclusions .Health issues are centered around heartache and headaches.

Crystal for the month: Angelite.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Jackass .

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

This month may feel a little stressful but in actual fact, the changes and challenges will improve your overall life. This is a great month for teaching or sharing knowledge with others. Interesting changes around the working arrangements for you will bring a growth in finances through a partnership. The only downside may be coming from the parental aspect. Females and mothers in particular may find this month not so great. This is the time to start focusing on your future and making the necessary changes to improve the quality of life.

Crystals for the month: Garnet and clear quartz combinations.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Eagle.

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

Career paths are looking great for this month with a nice rise in finances from outside sources. When it comes to relationships however, your mouth may end up causing clashes. Try and think before you speak. Health is fragile during December, so watch your diet and public interactions. Changes are in the air, embrace the opportunities rather than run from them.

Crystal for the month: Blue Lace Agate.

Your spirit guide animal for the month: The Wasp.

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

Relationships on all levels will come under the spotlight this month. Small financial wins are indicated. This is one of the months that will be triggered by your emotional responses. Basically , it will be what you allow it to be. Practice more universal gratitude and less fear in your daily life. Health issues are hovering around the ears during this month.

Crystal for the month: Smokey Quartz.

Your spirit guide animal this month: The field mouse.

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

Time to embrace your uniqueness. This month start playing to your strengths rather than expose your weaknesses. There will be interesting opportunities in the work sector from the 4th onwards but more skills will be needed to be acquired to cement them .Reconnecting with others will be a key ingredient to success. Finances may get a little low at the start of the month but soon start paying off for themselves. Accommodation changes are likely. Make the most of any down time you are forced to take.

Crystal for the month: Phantom Quartz.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Platypus.

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

Success will be found through hard work and finding that balance in life that you have been striving for. Finances are varied during this month but all outgoings are necessary and lead to later gains tenfold. Possible legal expenses may be necessary but this also has a good outcome. Family issues may become difficult and health could suffer. Remember to be kind to yourself and don't allow others guilt to settle on your shoulders again. Acceptance of self is in your gasp.

Crystal for the month: Citrine.

Your spirit animal guide this month. The dove

LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August

Not the best of month for the Leo's out there. Stomach issues seem to be the raising their head but that could be amplified due to internal stress. Marriage tiffs are also indicated but at least they are little things and nothing too serious. When it comes to money, you will also need to be careful and a little tightfisted or you will be paying for it in January and February 2022. For those Leo's that can keep their internal monologue to themselves, you will have an easier ride this month.

Crystals for the month: Mahogany Jasper or Peridot.

Your animal spirit guide this month: The Mountain Goat.

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

Co-operation between people will be the necessary ingredient for success during December. Do not try to push your ideas or values upon others or you will be in for a rude shock. Some people may be leaving your circle this month and it may be hard to let them go. Closing the door to your past is all important. This is a thinking month for you - don't shrug off your responsibilities but embrace your skills. Change is not without its difficulties. There is also a strong water connection to you this month which could be exhibited either in a destination, weather issue or a water sign personality. Either way - crucial inner meanings will be witnessed.

Crystal for the month: Ocean Jasper.

Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Beaver.

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

Patience is a virtue and this month , you will need all that you can master. For some reason , you seem to be attracting all the idiots during December. A hermit like existence may be your best defense. Health wise, joints and silly accidents are on your horizon. Car or transport related expenses are also indicated for many. Do not let life defeat you this month. Remember to look for every silver lining . Healing in your life will start around the 19th so embrace this opportunity to change the things in your life that no longer resonate. Please start that vision board, no starting 2022 with excuses.

Crystal for the month: Howlite.

Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Dragonfly.

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

Scorpio, December is going to focus mainly on money for you with plenty of ups and downs. The 17th onward does seem to give your a shove in the right direction for obtaining some solid finances. Those that were after loans or in the process of refinancing should have better luck after this date. Home life will also come under the microscope with many changing their accommodation at the last moment. There is the opportunity for some good changes as long as you are honest and forthcoming with your needs. Do not be afraid to ask for help when needed. Toward the end of the month sees a certain amount of hast enveloping your life so remember to be organized and pragmatic. Time to allow your life to expand not your waistline.

Crystals for the month: Carnelian and hematite.

Your spirit animal for this month: The Hermit Crab .

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

This month will be very dramatic for Sagittarians, with you feeling like you are being constantly pulled and pushed in different emotional directions. This indicates a new chapter is about to start and a new life awaits. Your relationship with money will be scattered between overspending and hoarding with no true budget being followed. This will need to change drastically after the 23rd. Life in 2022 will be different and this month will prepare you somewhat for the changes to come. Emotionally this could be a very testing time. Allow yourself time after the 28th to retreat from life and heal.

Crystal for the month: Rose quartz

Your animal guide for this month: The Bower bird.

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

This month starts with some emotional shakeups that are long overdue. Fake people and illusions no longer hold a place in your life and reality may make itself felt and heard rather loudly. Health flags could be raised around the 13th as Mars moves into Sagittarius. This will be a time for taking extra precautions with your health and to listen to authority. The 19th is another date to watch as Chiron takes its turn in the spotlight. Old wounds may need to be revisited and allowed to heal.

Crystal for the month: Optical Quartz.

Your animal spirit guide this month: The Lobster.



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