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RAVEN WHISPERS for December 2023

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- New moon: December 13th

- Full moon: December 27th

- Retrograde planets: Neptune continues until December 6th, Mercury begins December 13th, Jupiter continues until December 31st.

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

Practical responsibilities will fall on your shoulders during this month. Your logical nature will be on high alert as you navigate around potential problems to arrive at successful solutions. If you were hoping the pressure would ease during this month then you will be sadly mistaken. You need to place your feet carefully on your chosen path during December. Family may be difficult, but thats not unexpected. Ride the wave and you should land on the shore safe and ready for 2024. Keep an eye on your finances, you do have a little extra even if it does not feel like it.

Crystal for the month: Calcite.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The donkey

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

Time to let your hair down and your problems fade away. This month has a wonderful feel to it as we lead up to christmas. Career or work pressure could tug at your practical side but you would be best to let it slide. Luck does seem to be working with you rather than against you this month with unexpected invitations or oportunities presenting themselves. Do not be afraid to stand up and be noticed! Physically, you could be low on energy and stamina so don't neglet your health needs. Interactions with strangers could herald a financial windfall, so do not write off coincidences or things being too good to be true. Health issues are annoying but nothing to worry about. Overall, this is a pretty good month for you regardless of how some situations may present themselves to you.

Crystals for the month: Tree agate

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The tree frog

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

Batton down the hatches, you may be under a little pressure this month and spirit may be pushing you to step outside your comfit zone. This month is a real mixed bag for you so attitude will matter. The stubborn side may be the more dominate one so best take a step back and think before you speak. Financess could be a little strained but a practical approach could keep you out of the red. Romantically, you may not be getting all you need, ask nicely and that could change.

Crystal for the month: Christocola

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The bull

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

Financially this month could actually turn out ok for you. Luck is working on your side so listen to your intuition. A small financial gain is indicated before months end. Physical and medical issues could be your only true december downfall. Time to stop acting like a teenager and start being sensible, a possible strain or small fracture could result otherwise. Expect the unexpected and you wont go wrong. The 18th is your luckiest day!

Crystal for the month: Smokey quartz

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The dugong.

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

Time to put your trust in others Gemini. December is not a month to make solo decitions about your long term goals. For those singles out there, there could be a little bit of interest that you should take a chance on. Career wise, choose your allience carefully, not all will be with you in the new year. Finances have a nice injection during the week of the 18th, possibly due to a rebate. Make the most of it; your finanial situation is hit and miss this month depending on your attitude - spend wisely.

Crystal for the month: Apitite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The moth.

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

This could be a nice month for you however it should be quiter than normal. Blink and you will miss the month entirely. Financess are pretty even in going out and comming in so please do not over stress. Some nice connections have only recently been made but should shine through this month as actually being more important in the bigger picture. Asking for the support and help of others is cruisial to a future success.

Crystal for the month: Celestite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The lemur.

LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)

Medical indicitions could be annoying this month, do not take everything at face value. You need to slow down and take stock during December rather than ignore things and push forward. Allergies, food intolerances or blood issues are indicated. Listen to the medical advise this time, its all about the blood. Financially, you have some wonderful advantages over others - things may just work in your favor. Expect a small windfall this month (most likely after christmas)

Crystal for the month: Garnet

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The goat.

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

If you could keep your stubborness uner control, then this month will be more favourable for you. Not everyone is working towards the same goals as you so please keep an eye on a disruption in the force. A spy or covert worker could expose their true intentions of themselves to you, call them out quick smart or be tarnished by their brush in 2024. Keeping to yourself rather than trusting in fellow co workers will be a wise stratigy. Financess are moving upwards, put them away for a rainy day.

Crystal for the month: Tigers eye

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The paper wasp

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

Time to chill out Libra. Your brain has been in overdrive most of this month. Have faith in what you have achieved and the plans you have initiated. You are setting up 2024 to be a far more productive year - well done. Some major changes are indicated during 2024, so watch for nuggets of thoughts to be stuck in your brain regarding possible work or enviromental changes. Many will start planning that overseas trip. Financess turn out better than expected as does the medical needs. Start this month optimistically and you will not be disapointed. Spiritually, you have some increadable connections that should filter through - please listen this time.

Crystal for the month: Celestite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The dragonfly.

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

This month is a little touch and go and will depend entirelly on your attitude. Most people will be difficult to deal with so patience will be required. Financially there will be a little extra going out than we would like and investments may not pay off untill late 2024. Do not loan out money or overspend during this month! Wait for the sales and spend wisely. Physically, energy levels are a little too low for my liking and those prone to migranes may get more than they bargained for. Plenty of water this month please people, it will make a big difference. Spiritually, you are really quite connected, a dream journal may be a good idea.

Crystal for the month: Obsidian

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The dolphin

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

Energy levels are a little low this month so pace yourself please. Good news is expected to hit mid-month that will alter your greater life plan - congrats! Your life is looking pretty sweet ahead so enjoy this month and make the most of it. Lots of money going out but lots of money staying put - should even out nicely or even leave you a lilttle ahead. Enjoy this month, you have earnt it.

Crystal for the month: Carnelian

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The rabbit

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

This month is just plodding along for you , no major highs and no major lows. December is the best month for you to be just planning for 2024 - make that vision board and start looking ahead! Best to keep opinons to yourself however as others may be a bit prickly. Financial concerns should be eased after the 15th but no big lotto win this month, sorry.

Crystal for the month: Jasper

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The dingo



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