RAVEN WHISPERS for January 2021

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- New Moon (13 Jan 4:00pm Sydney time)
- Full Moon (29 Jan 6:16am Sydney time)
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
Your words could get you into trouble this month so pay attention especially around the 11th. Energy levels could be at an all time low. Its time to start delegating some of the harder work and leave time for mental relaxation. It is also time to start working smarter not harder to reach those goals. Finances could be a little strained by mid month but it should pick up again by February . An old friend could disappoint you around the 18th. Not the best way to start a new year but it is totally up to you how you change that. Perception is everything.
Crystal for the month: Labradite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The crow.
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
This will be a month where you will need to put more effort into understanding people rather than reacting to them. Finances will absolutely improve during this month but it is a question of when. Some will start slow and be rewarded by months end while a select few should come into a medium lump sum earlier. Health is important though and is your achillies heel - careful that new found influx of cash does not go on physical repairs rather than in the piggy bank .
Crystals for the month: Malachite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Starfish
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
Buckle down and just get on with things Aries. This is a month of action and movement not procrastination. A little financial investment in yourself will not go astray. Personal grooming and presentation will be unexpectedly important around the 14th. Health issues seem to be dogging you during this month so don't take any chances when it comes to strangers or strange places. Personal hand sanitizer in the car/home/bag would be a smart move.
Crystals for the month: Tigers eye
Your spirit guide animal for the month: The eel.
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
This should be a carefree and easy month for you. Some unexpected news for a family member could bring you much joy. You seem to have the golden touch when it comes to work colleagues or business people in general. Many may be offered a new job or promotion which should be welcomed with open arms. Your finances will start to improve as the month goes on but try to build that nest egg not deplete it please. Curb the urge to spend on unnecessary or luxury items and save your cash for something bigger and better later on.
Crystals for the month: Citrine
Your spirit guide animal this month: The Honey Bee
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
You knew the changes were coming but your time is starting to slip though your fingers. A sense of urgency may pull you into reckless action this month. Remember to always read the fine print of life rather than take second hand gossip as gospel. If you were thinking of changing career paths drastically, now might be a good time to research it further. For those creative types, the muses are working in your favor. This could be the month for a major breakthrough.
Crystal for the month: Phantom Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Hummingbird..
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Recent energy shifts have changed your emotional responses and reaction. This month will be filled with rewards for hard effort. Don't rely on others to get things done, this is very much a solo month for you. A new found personal journey has began and it should carry you through most of this year. Health needs will have to be re evaluated and possibly a more gentle fitness regime will need to be developed. This month is very much a case of being kinder to yourself so that you will have larger benefits in the long term.
Crystals for the month: Moonstone.
Your spirit animal guide this month: The sparrow
LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August
A happy, carefree home life awaits you this month. January is all about family, tribe and belonging. Personal euphonies could also arrive. Renovations could be underway ( or in the planning stages) and it is a great time to find a place to put down roots permanently. Young lovers could also be ripe for conception so if you don't wont to add to the human life numbers - consider buying/adopting/minding a pet. When it comes to health, this month indicates possible ear issues. A break near water is advised, however short.
Crystals for the month: Selenite.
Your spirit guide this month: The field mouse.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
This month sees you with a fire in your belly and your eye on the prize. Just be careful who you trample on in the process. Good prospects for both career and finances during January however personal relationships could get a bit rocky. Jealousy could be raising its green eyes in your direction .For singles, there could be a lot more attention coming your way so be choosy about who's company you keep. This month' actions indication towards a lot of either rewards or punishments later in the year - best remain loyal, ethical and responsible in all your dealings please. Finances should remain level or slightly elevated by months end.
Crystals for the month: Aventurine
Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Bull.
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
Good communication is very important for you this month. Be sure to speak up clearly and loudly. A new direction or hobby may take your fancy during January and some skills should be shared with others. For financial security, try and think out of the box. Journaling or scrapbooking would be a good use of your time to help keep your emotions level. Emotional outbursts from others will leave you feeling insecure around the 15th - don't take any of their words to heart. Health isn't fantastic during this month but that's more because you are not doing what's best for you. Your guides are are a lot stronger this month and a lot cheekier, perhaps its time to stop taking life so seriously?
Crystal for the month: Sodalite
Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Bin Chicken.
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
This should be an interesting month for you. Some people around you may disappoint you while others surprise the heck out of you. Never assume anything this month as it should be full of surprises. A new job commitment may be offered and for singles, you could find the love of your life where you least expected. Joint actions work best for you both career wise and financially. A new mentor is heading your way ,as too is a blast from the past. This month you will have your hands full. Health indicates some mental instability, mind you it could just be a sugar high.......be responsible please with what goes into your body this month.
Crystal for the month: Opal, Labradite or moonstone..
Your spirit animal for this month: The Lyrebird.
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
January opens up a whole new world of possibilities. This is a pretty carefree month for you considering. Social interactions are more prevalent so just be wary of health and current legal requirements. A spring clean of your environment may help sweep some remaining mental cobwebs away. Not everyone will be doing it as easy as you during this month so try to be aware of others feelings. Finances may dip at the start of the month but opportunities will arise to refill the coffers so don't overthink the practicalities of life. Dreams could become a little more intense during this month as messages are harder to pass on.
Crystal for the month: Goldstone.
Your animal guide for this month: The Sea Dragon.
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
January sees you stepping out of your comfit zone after the 11th. A surprise package could turn up in your life that will change your direction completely. Although the start of this month may see you in a very practical light, by months end you may very well have finally found ,and revealed to the world, your true self. This year as a whole will be monumental to you and the month of January is when you take that first shaky step. isn't it about time you took a leap of faith on you? Finances may take a hit this month but it should be for a good cause.
Crystal for the month: Optical Quartz
Your animal spirit guide this month: The dragonfly.