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This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- Several meteor showers are evident this month.

- Jupiter begins retrograde motion on the 29th

- Saturn retrograde is still in motion

- Full moon : July 13th

-New moon : July 28th

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

This month you may feel like burying your head in the sand and becoming a social recluse. This however, will not stop the idiots from finding you. Take each day slowly and methodically without major expectations in the human race and you may be less disappointed. Health issues are niggly annoyances rather than full blown dramas. You would be best to keep to keep focusing on what you know works for you rather than experiment with new health lifestyles. Finances have a few nice highlights with unexpected small windfalls arriving soon.

Crystal for the month: Lepidolite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The ostrich.

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

This month sees Neptune hovering in your energy space so you can expect a few surprises along the way. The 12th is especially standing out as a date to be happy with as good news and opportunities may fall into your lap. Unexpected help and assistance from strangers may be fleeting but well timed. Even small dramas may turn out to work in your favor. Keep positive and look for rainbows not storm clouds. Health is just average but finances are improving as the month progresses.

Crystals for the month: Optical Quartz

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Owl.

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

Uranus is poking its nose into your business during this month so you may feel a little stressed . Work pressure is also causing issues on the home front and temporary changes may be in the wind. Road rage issues and family disputes should be avoided so don't poke any bears or they may come out fighting. Do your best to coast through this month. Financial out goings might cause rifts.

Crystal for the month: Hematite

Your spirit guide animal for the month: The coyote.

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

Not quite sure which direction to take? that is the universe playing games with you. This month will see more than just a little indecision in your life. You may overthink, over analyze and over react. Try not to read too much into other peoples behavior. Study and reflection will work well for you and those in the education field could make wonderful ( although quiet) progress. This is not the month that you want to stand out and be noticed as it could be to your detriment. Focus on creating the best version of you that you can that does not involve the needs or interference of others.

Crystal for the month: snowflake obsidian

Your spirit guide animal this month: The Rattle Snake.

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

The first two weeks of July could still see you wading through mud. Try to keep your eye on your goal during this time. Jealousy and insecurities may overtake your confidence but they should be short lived. The 17th sees a major change in energy sweep into your life and singles could be in for the time of their lives. Improved job prospects and more financial in comings are well timed. Remember to put your best foot forward and grab those opportunities to shine. Working with people in the second half of the month bodes well for success. Pregnancies and fertility issues could be a high lite, expect more to be entering your life.

Crystal for the month: Carnelian, garnets and/or Ruby

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The spawning salmon.

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

This is a big month of challenges and changes for you cancer. Expect a lot more to be heaped on your plate, which by the way, you are more than capable of dealing with. Work loads will get increasingly busy and it is a great time to be pushing through with bigger, grander plans or long held uncompleted dreams. Not everyone will be working with you but remember that you do not have to carry their baggage as well as yours. Financially things look pretty promising and the 17th and 18th look especially auspicious. Health is improving as you release the dramas that others have been heaping on you.

Crystal for the month: Peacock ore

Your spirit animal guide this month: The Peacock.

LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August

Time to express some more emotions Leo. To work well this month you will need to learn how to stand up for yourself rather than always taking a more passive tact. You will also need the assistance of others to achieve your dreams. A little bit more self assurance will help you in both the boardroom and the bedroom. Finances could have a few dips and downers during this month so be careful with your money - no overspending or loans. Health issues may arise in the digestion or stomach area. Food allergies should be taken seriously.

Crystals for the month: Tree agate

Your animal spirit guide this month: The Goose.

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

Big personal changes are heading your way Virgo so I hope you are ready. This month will see you spreading your wings and using your voice. With this new found emerging confidence, personality clashes with others that have been simmering for a while could come to a head. Be wary of passive aggressive tendencies. Many people could see a whole new life direction and purpose by the 28th. Do not be afraid of change. The downside could be a perceived possible loss of something close.

Crystal for the month: Bronzite.

Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Bellbird .

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

People are a pain in the bum. Lets face it, they wont work well with you this month and you wont work well with them. From the checkout chick to the bank manager - unless you stop taking everything so personally this month. Life is only as hard as you make it. Workwise, try your best to keep public contact to a minimum and if you order things on line, be prepared to send them back. money may find a way in, but not before a lot goes out. Health is causing you a little grief too with colds, flu, and/or Sinise issues. More vitamin c and iron please.

Crystal for the month: Selenite

Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Mud Wasp.

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

Hard work will see a few victories as this month progresses. Things may start slow and bumpy but by the 18th its like a whole new game is being played. and your hitting the ball out of the park. Opportunities for career advancement will be flowing your way if you put up your hand. Personal development is also on a major high from the 19th onward as new mentors are arriving or skills are developing. Energy levels are high for that last week, so schedule any big reveals for then. Angelic connections are strongest during the meteor peaks rather than the full moon.

Crystals for the month: Australian Prehnite

Your spirit animal for this month: The Galago or bush baby.

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

This month is going to be another very busy one for you Sagittarius. People are going to be difficult and demanding but it is up to you to negotiate around them for best results. Remember to allocate special time just for yourself to recharge and declutter your mind. Financials do have the option of increasing so either there is more coming in or just less going out this month - either way, it works in your favor. Health issues could see skin irritations due to a change in cleaning products, its the little changes that you need to keep your eye on. Success is all in the details. Relationships are sweeter than ever but some friendships could get a little testing. Keep your boundaries firm for those that have a tendency to step over the lines.

Crystal for the month: Fluorite

Your animal guide for this month: The Spider.

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

Hard work and determination will be a winning combination for you. This month may not see you getting along well with people but at least they do not upset your progress. Be thankful for small mercies. Your best days for things going your way are on the 14th and 17th and days to avoid confrontation are the 18th and 21st. Finances do seem to be better than expected for you this month and a few long term holidays may be penciled in for later in the year. If a new car was in your thoughts, perhaps a test drive this month could influence your decision? Some sweet romantic interactions are indicated.

Crystal for the month: Labradite

Your animal spirit guide this month: The Beaver.



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