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This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- Full moon: 3rd July

- New moon: 18th July

- Pegasids Meteor Shower Peak - 10th July

- Conjunction Mars/Jupiter - 12th July

- Conjunction Mercury/ Venus - 27th July

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

Buckle up your seatbelts, its going to be a bumpy ride. This month may find you feeling rather frustrated with life's turn of events. Its not so much a question of why are people being stubborn but of when will things change in your favour. Be prepared to wait things out this month and keep those finances in check. Pushing for answers and quick fix solutions are not the way to go. This month, just take it slow and pick your battles.

Conflicts with family or co workers could reach simmering point around the 12th, avoid interactions or confrontations around this time as patience is thin on both sides.

Crystal for the month: Pietersite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The donkey

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

Frustrated by peoples lack of motivation and progress? well then, this month is not going to make things much easier for you I'm afraid. Finances are going to get a little tighter and you may have to pull some family members into line to wait this month out. Health issues are on the horizon but at least they are only minor and annoying not life-threatening. There is a small financial flow your way on the 17th but best make it stretch as far as you can. Things are actually better than they look but only if you take a practical stance this month rather than throwing caution to the wind. This is a great month to tend to all the practical aspects of life to find your satisfaction and encourage future success.

Crystals for the month: Garnet

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Turtle

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

Try not to knock your head against too many walls this month Aries as it is a waste of time and energy. This month has a lot of locked doors in front of you, so best to focus on what you know well rather than stepping into the unknown during July. Finances are not as great as you would like with less than expected flowing towards your wallet - best keep your hands in your pockets during this month please. There could well be the need for a little cash shuffling to keep you going smoothly.

Crystal for the month: Pyrite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The goat

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

How do you get the most out of this month Taurus? Stay focused on your own little world and do not get caught up in other peoples drama. This month will feel very heavy for some and you will need to just keep plodding along. Healthy habits should not be neglected or you may find yourself losing ground on any progress you have made this year. Blood tests may be needed towards month end to rule out viral infections.

Crystal for the month: Calligraphy Jasper

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Elephant

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

Those with anxiety may find this month a little hard to navigate. Plenty of grounding and pampering may be required to keep your emotions in check. Perhaps stop listening to the news, you don't need to feel everybody's angst during July. Arguments with loved ones or colleagues are indicated brewing around the 27th with the possibility of a series of misunderstandings and mass miscommunication set to culminate and erupt around the 28th/ not make major life decisions based on information around this time nor sign paperwork that is life binding. You can navigate safely through this month but only if you disassociate yourself from the troubles of the world.

Crystal for the month: Fossilized Bamboo or Fossilized Wood

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Meerkat

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

Time for a reset Cancer. The universe is asking you to slow down this month or it will take matters into its own hands to see that you do. You can only go forward if you stop moving - confused? Life is better to unfold rather than mould during July. Perhaps a little more faith and a little less worry is called for. Any neglected health issues may resurface (this time, do something about it !) and could result in a slight but still unwanted, financial drain. You will have your emotional diva moments Cancer but they shouldn't last long.

Just remember to breathe and patient with yourself. This month will be over before you know it.

Crystal for the month: Howlite.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: Polar Bear.

LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)

People could wound you emotionally if you let them Leo, its time to focus on your family and their health and happiness rather than the daily dramas of others. Do not lend money or offer advise to others but do not take criticism either. This month you need to strengthen your personal boundaries and may be asked to take a stand. Those in position of power or authority should do well in the business sector but those working in the everyday ranks could suffer from drastic work changes. Finances will be less than expected as the month progresses - Budget responsibly.

Crystal for the month: Tiger Iron.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Lion.

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

July could be a trifle confusing with people being undependable or wishy-washy. This month it would be better to stick to your own agender and be responsible for your own happiness and financial stability rather than being dependant on others. Arguments are destined between lovers around the 27th so choose your words wisely. Health issues are mouth or gum related - oral hygiene should NOT be neglected. Ringing in the ears should get louder around the 10th and 28th....take time out to listen to spirit.

Crystal for the month: Ocean Jasper.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Jellyfish.

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

Being practical is what will make this month more bearable for you Libra. Lists, lists and more lists rather than any flying by the seat of your pants this month please. You will also benefit greatly from routines so don't neglect what you know you should be doing and when. When it comes down to the 'why's' this month, do not even bother to work people out during July as all it will do is give you a headache you don't need. People may be weird and depressing this month, do not buy into their problems or it will cost you financially and emotionally. You are one of the few who can skate through this month unscathed if you are smart about it.

Crystal for the month: Any Jaspers except Ocean.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The ant.

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

Anger issues will flair quickly over silly things but could spread light wildfire if not dealt with. This month may appear frustrating but perhaps not asking for advise would be the best option when confronted with decisions. The 18th is showing a financial disappointment so don't count your chickens before they hatch!

It will be important to take time out to keep your emotions centered and grounded. Singing bowls or sound baths, and perhaps a hint of reiki, could keep you going till the month ends. Separations or discontinued romances could result from miscommunications or honesty talks around the 28th, walk gently and with integrity. This will not be an easy month but if hold your head high and your tongue still you will survive it with less disturbances.

Crystal for the month: Lapis Lazuli

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Cheetah

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

July is going to test you, there are no two ways about it. Just remember that what doesn't break you makes you stronger. Finances will be disappointing to say the least with more going out than coming in, some financial shuffling will see you through. Interpersonal relationships could get strained with people just rubbing you up the wrong way so keep calm and ignore the static, it will blow over eventually and you really do not want to rock any boats this month if you can help it. Watch those emotional fluctuations and keep focused on what's important rather than what really isn't. This month of funky energy will not last long for you so stay focused. Loved ones may be extra needy but your personal space is important too - boundaries may have to be enforced.

Crystal for the month: Moonstone and Selenite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Grasshopper

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

Birds of a feather flock together. This month those dang birds could well be seagulls - "Mine, Mine, Mine" and not understand personal space! As much as you may attempt to dodge other peoples' problems, they could well just follow you so remember to not hand out advice, money or personal time to those that will never appreciate or reciprocate it. This month create a little selfish distanced bubble and focus on your immediate needs till after the 27th when it should be safe to join the human race. Finances are strained but there is a little extra to be had around that third week. Health issues with shins or bones in general could be a pain.

Crystal for the month: Obsidian

Your animal spirit guide for the month: Seagulls and Pigeons



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