This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- New Moon June 29th
- Mercury retrograde wanes : June 4
- Saturn retrograde :June 6th
- Full moon : June 14th
- Southern winter solstice June 21st
-New moon : June 29th
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
This month is still retaining its dramas, although only for the first two weeks. The main flavor of this month remains with relationships and this could be a plus or a minus depending on your point of view. Aquarians will be drawn into the limelight with possible unwanted news, connections or attentions. Be very strict with your boundaries to keep the unwanted attention at bay.
Crystal for the month: Lumerian seed quartz.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The dingo.
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
So many new possibilities are waiting just around the corner. This is a wonderful month for tying up loose ends and being able to move forward. Take your time and step lightly rather than running headfirst with cocky enthusiasm. Many new seeds are being planted this month for growth before the years end. Health is also on the improve. The new moon will give you an opportunity to reset your life for the better. Trust in the process.
Crystals for the month: Labradite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Fox.
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
Oh my Goddess, the June energies are weaving their magic on your courage factor. This month finds you drawing on inner strength to get your point across or to be noticed. This could also appear as defiance in the younger family members , so be prepared for some stand offs. A little bit of bravado on your behalf could do you well this month. Finances are set to improve as are re-accuring health issues. This is a great month for surgeries that you may have been putting off.
Crystal for the month: Pyrite.
Your spirit guide animal for the month: The Lion.
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
Your stubborn nature could work for or against you depending on your intentions. This is a wonderful time to kick bad habits to the curb or start new projects. June is a month of possibilities and opportunities for you to consider. New accommodations or relationships are also on the cards during June. This might not seem the easiest but it does offer the best possible outcomes for your extra effort. Finances are fairly stable during June till the 18th. Try to not let your stubborn side get the better of you.
Crystal for the month: Jasper.
Your spirit guide animal this month: The Donkey.
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
There are great opportunities to make lasting changes in most areas of your life this month. If you were hoping for job improvements or new directions to be offered then you should not be disappointed. During June it is worth taking a little gamble on something that is important to you as your courage will be rewarded. Singles may also get lucky in love if they don't doubt the flirting signs and are willing to take the first step. This is a fairly empowering month of change and optimism, don't waste the chances when they present themselves.
Crystal for the month: Apache tears.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The owl
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Time to step up the pace cancer if you do not want to be left behind. Things should be slowly falling into place for you during this month but it is best that you do not be idle. Keep your head down and put in the extra effort so that the momentum does not fail. Your psychic side is playing havoc with your common sense , so best just let the universe do its thing rather than overthinking it. Lovely long term prospects may be in the pipeline for development after the 2nd week. Keep your eyes and mind open to options and new ideas for future prosperity.
Crystal for the month: Lavender Kunzite.
Your spirit animal guide this month: The bee.
LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August
The first two weeks could be a little confusing with double messages presenting themselves. Best to not make any hasty decisions till after the 16th. Change is in the air and finances will benefit from them. expect some financial improvements before the month ends. Health is strained with common colds, flu and the like doing its best to slow you down. vitamin supplements may be advantageous or best book that flu shot and indulge in extra hand sanitizer! There may be those annoying personalities that make a lot of noise but little action - if this is a work collogue, distance yourself quickly.
Crystals for the month: Moss agate.
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Cricket.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
Lady Luck could well be stalking you this month so keep your eyes peeled for those flashy little coins and golden opportunities. Chances are, things are more likely to fall in your lap this month than ever before, so make the most of it and run with that good luck. Everything from small to major wins are possible .Dream big this month and take a chance on life. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Crystal for the month: Citrine.
Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Rabbit .
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
Hard work for you this month for little gain but to be honest - it is better than going backwards. Hang in there and put in that extra care and attention to make this month go as smoothly as possible. Misunderstanding could be the name of the game this month so be sure to be clear in your intent and communications with others. Health needs to be kept an eye on too with flu or covid raising its head in your vicinity.
Crystal for the month: Obsidian.
Your spirit animal guide for the month: The snail.
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
Communications could be a little confused when dealing with others so best have a plan b organized. This is a time to really get your head in the game and keep pushing forward so that you are not disillusioned or disappointed. Relationship could get a little strained, best not forget any important dates for this month. Do not be confused, this could be a great month but it will require action on your part.
Crystals for the month: Lapis lazuli.
Your spirit animal for this month: The Beaver.
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
You may be tested this month but remember that you are stronger ( and scarier when pushed) than many of the other star signs. Do not accept less than your worth during this month. A few opportunities to secure a stronger working future may surface after the 12th. Allies may come from outside your normal connections. Financial expenditure may be greater than anticipated.
Crystal for the month: tiger iron.
Your animal guide for this month: The Badger .
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
This month is all about working well with others rather than going in solo. The first week may bring some stumbling blocks your way but listening to others or accepting alternatives should bring you past them unscathed. Do not be so stubborn as to NOT ask for help when needed. Answers could well be revealed after the 12th, keep vigilant.
Crystal for the month: Blue lace agate.
Your animal spirit guide this month: The ant.