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RAVEN WHISPERS for March 2023

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- Full moon: March 7th 11:40 pm (in Virgo. A Harvest Moon)

- New moon: March 22nd 4:23am

- Jupiter and Venus in Conjunction March 2nd

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

This month is all about massive changes. It is important to start looking within to find the real you and allow her/him out to play permanently. No more pretending Aquarius, time to get real if you want results. Health routines need to be enhanced or stepped up. Self love is the name of the game so start the decluttering progress ASAP. No more negative Norah's in your personal inner circle unless you want the rot to fester. Bad habits can be kicked to the curb too. Think of this month as a massive emotional clean up and you will get far more satisfaction out of the upcoming decade. Pluto is going to be in your sign for the whole NEXT GENERATION. Work with it to get the most out of life.

Crystal for the month: Blue Calcite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Kookaburra

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

This month bodes changes for you on a very personal and positive note. Everybody wants a part of you it seems, with social expectations at a all time high. Try and pace yourself so that you don't burn out. Blasts from the past could also knock on your emotional door so be prepared to answer it or bolt it. Either way, you are making positive life choices. Challenging your mind as well as your body is not going to be avoided but should work in your favor. This is the month where you can start to lay down some more solid foundations. A different work option could present itself, so get ready to get busy. Health, however needs to be made a major priority this month. Too much indulging perhaps, or is that just over thinking? Stop putting off what you know you should be doing. This month people that push your buttons may just see your fiery side.

Crystals for the month: Fire Agate

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Fire Ant

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

You're a little all over the shop this month Aries. Energy levels are down to start with, hit a peak around mid month and then plummet again. This cycle seems to cover most of the aspects of your life during March. Financially big winds around the 18th with a possible refund or rebate ( surprise money is always welcome). Meanwhile the 23rd sees money leaking out of your life (keep an eye on your receipts). These constant changes could well affect your moods so try and look for all the silver linings. Life is not testing you, it is refurbishing you into a more practical and beautiful part of the universal furniture. Balance should be restored by the 28th. Overall its not a bad month, its just eventful and exhausting. Stop trying to force things to your way and it will be less stressful.

Crystal for the month: Fluorite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The (slow) mule, (delightfully dopey) donkey or (stubborn) ass...depending on how you and others look at it.

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

Changes to the work environment could be in the air. There could be a lot of firsts for you during this month but it is definitely indicating the start of some long term developments. If starting a new job or harking for a career change, this next one could be the forever-after kind. Many Taurus' will be finding their true paths during March that will lead them for the next decade to happiness and fulfilment. Wow, way to go Taurus! Are you going to flow forward or allow doubt to over rule good judgement this time? There are new people, new environments, more job satisfaction and changes in finances in the up coming years and all from choices that you make during March. No pressure, do what feels right within your deepest, truest you. Change is rarely easy but worth the effort.

Crystal for the month: Tiger eye (all colors)

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Spider Monkey

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

This month could be a little tricky. On one hand, there is some wonderful networking and new friendships that can be made and a far bit of opportunity for socializing. This will hit the finances a little during this month but will pay dividends later on. On a more personal note, keep a close eye on any people in your life with anxiety or depressional leanings as they could be feeling a little overwhelmed or forgotten. Basically, touch base with your loved ones. Spirit is very close during this month and a psychic breakthrough could result towards the end of the moth. Time to tune in a little clearer please.

Crystal for the month: Celestite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Humming bird.

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

New people and new experiences await you this month Cancer. Try and have fun with it. Social butterfly status should be granted to you by the 15th. Be wary of verbal misunderstandings with family and/or partner till then. For those creative cancer types, you should find a new love or creative direction during this month - run with it. Health is up and down depending on your emotional moods. Spending more time in nature will help the balance. Keep reminding yourself of just how far you have come.

Crystal for the month: Labradite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Butterfly

LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)

Time to tie up some loose ends Leo, do not put things off any longer than the 18th please. A little more structure in your life during this month could be a good thing. Finances are a little tight with more outgoings than incomings. Stick to a stricter budget and buy quality not quantity during month if you wish to avoid costly mistakes. Someone is wanting to buy a big ass tv... it best not be you LEO! Health shows issues with your feet especially the souls of your feet. Someone may emotionally wound you during this month, let their words pass over you and do not dwell on their problems.

Crystal for the month: Milky Quartz

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Lizard

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

Goodness me Virgo, is this a new you I see emerging? This month sees a stirring from within to change and I must say, it does look rather good on you! It is important to stay grounded however and not get too caught up in flights of fancy. This new chapter is authentic and progressively positive and bodes well for the years ahead. Changing your prospective will be the crucial key to success. Improvements will be gradual but include finances, health, home, career and relationships. Sometimes accepting our limitations can be just as empowering as developing new skills - think about it...

Crystal for the month: Chrysocolla

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dragonfly

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

This month it would probably be best to lie low and be a homebody. Energy levels seem to be easily depleted and your health seems to hold a few hiccups to your normal routine. Plenty of vitamin C, fresh air and sunshine. Nature will be your best friend for keeping your emotional levels more consistent. Possible blood or specialist/doctor appointments could be recommended. Finances are not as wonderful as I would like but they are far from dire just yet. Manifestation is a two way street, keep projecting the positives!

Crystal for the month: Moss Agate.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Brown Bear

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

There is a little bit of the selfish side coming out in your this month which could put a few people off. Be very careful not to over step relationship boundaries that have already been established. This month sees you more at home (verbally safe) rather than afield (where your mouth could get you into trouble). Stubbornness from others could also be frustrating. Try and spend more time in quiet mode and get some personal pampering time in. Keep an eye on your finances all through this month. Perhaps a small win around the 15th, are you feeling lucky? Health issues seem to be fixed around the eye area, stop looking for faults and start appreciating the aging process.

Mineral for the month Blue Lace Agate

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Bower Bird.

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

This is a wonderful month of delightful and positive changes. You have finally moved into a more satisfying cycle for both work and home life. Communication and the written word will be your sword to freedom and happiness. The Muses are fueling your creative endeavors. They say time flies when your having fun, at this rate you will be ready for 2024 within the month. Stomach and digestive issues are the only fly in the ointment and they are directly related to personal guilt fears. Stop looking for flaws, you have earned this. Life on the home front is peaceful and professionally you will make yourself known for all the right reasons.

Crystal for the month: Lapis or Opal.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Octopus

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

You had better fill up with gas because this month is going to see you clocking up some emotional and physical miles. March is going to be a very busy month for you with so much to get done, so it would be very easy to become overwhelmed. Sticking to routines and maintaining healthy boundaries are going to be ultra important. Finances are looking good for this month. However, best keep a close eye on your personal belongings, there are sticky fingers about!

Crystal for the month: Citrine

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Goose



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