This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- Super New Moon: 10th March
- Micro Full Moon: 25th March
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
Change is in the air during this month with new ventures, friends and hobbies on the horizon.
Finances are also looking up which means you can splash out a little extra on you and your family members. Travel may not be easy but will certainly be enjoyable if you can get away. Work may present a few conundrums but they should blow over before the 18th. When it comes to health, you may be fine but family members could have a little bad luck. Your logical approach and problem solving skills will be put to the test this month - be prepared for a family phone call so you're ready to step in and save the day like the hero you are.
Crystal for the month: Kunsite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Raven
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
Tensions could be running high during the first week of March due to the extra pressure that you have been putting on yourself. Take a more casual approach and you will find that many things will just naturally flow into being. This month has many highlights but unfortunately you may tend to not see them until afterwards. Where possible practice mindfulness and keep a close eye on maintaining healthier habits. This would be a good month to be practical and pragmatic, as it will help you get the most out of it. Although finances may take a hefty dive during the first half of the month, things will start to look up by the18th.
Crystals for the month: Moss Agate
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Blue Wren
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
Batten down the hatches Aries, march madness is flying your way! This month is going to be a topsy-turvy extravaganza of energy and momentum and you will need all your savvy to get the very best out of it. Opportunities will open doors for you around the 16th (if you choose to walk through them however is up to you) and those after new careers could get their foot in the door. Singles could be swept of their feet (but will you take those blinkers off and notice?) and for those seeking a new addition to their family unit, possible conceptions could result. As you can tell, this month has many possibilities but it really does depend on whether you are ready to take chances or not. Travel plans could also be instigated during this month. One thing is for sure - blink and you will miss it all!
Crystal for the month: Peacock Ore
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Hummingbird
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
This is turning into a very practical month for you Taurus. Finances are slowly building to a more acceptable level after the 12th, health situations are calming down and showing promise, and old romances could be asking for a second chance. During March the balls really are all in your court! Choose your projects wisely and you will make headway regardless. Be cautious of a friend asking for assistance before the 20th - only help if it helps you!
Crystal for the month: Jasper
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Bumble Bee
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
A little bit of traveling is indicated during March, it may not be all you dreamed of but it is better than nothing. This month just seems to be plodding along at a very basic pace. Time to invest in your health and wellbeing. Decluttering your inbox is a good start! Less is more during the month of March, it may not be all bells and whistles but its safe and comfortable. Those with shares could see a nice increase.
Crystal for the month: Angelite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Snail
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
This month could see a lot of stops and starts for you Cancer so you will need to be consistent if you wish to achieve those bigger goals. Be wary of energy vampires during the first half of this month. For those that had their finances diving recently, things are set to improve during this month with even the possibility of a slight win in the cards. However, keep your eye on legalities during March. Health needs to be better monitored this month especially in the dietary area, grazing and more green leafy vegetables should help reset your body. You may hear some good news for a family member in March.
Crystal for the month: Apache Tears
Your animal spirit guide for the month: Manatee
LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)
Family comes under the microscope during this month with contact from some unlikely members. Keep your cool and keep those emotions in check. Finances are on the improve but may be slow to show themselves. A larger purchase could be just around the corner, so keep within your budget where possible during March. Health issues seem to be around the foot/ankle/knee area - best to keep to flat shoes if you can. On the plus side, those hoping for weight loss should be quite satisfied with their end results this month.
Crystal for the month: Larimar
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Llama.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
Hot and spicy seems to be the flavour for this month. A little extra attention in the love sector never goes astray and is great for your ego - lap it up pussycat! Finances start improving from the 4th on a regular basis. For many a new home or rental is on the cards, best start the decluttering process now! You do seem to have a certain "something" around you this month where things are more likely to work in your best interests and new ideas or plans seem to present themselves in quick succession. Chose your projects wisely and do not get lost in all the universal interest around you during March. A little flutter and a little win, could go hand in hand.
Crystal for the month: Dragons Blood
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Unicorn or White Stallion.
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
Oh Libra, planning on playing it safe this month? I think not. Time to let down your hair and take a few chances. This month its all about doing things differently and getting yourself out of any ruts you may find yourself in. You will have to push yourself to make changes but change is exactly what you need to get back in the game. Travel would be a wonderful idea if you can make it happen later in the month. A little bit of pampering wouldn't go astray either. Make this month all about you and you may very well surprise yourself with how well it turns out by months end.
Crystal for the month: Pyrite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Peacock
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
This month you will need to keep a close eye on that budget and be prepared to move a little money around to see you through some tight spots. Unexpected medical costs could present themselves (specialist appointment or blood tests) by mid-month. The joy for you this month will be found in friends and family. Surround yourself with those you love and just ride this month out. If you want to start planning for some serious changes, now would be a good time to start plotting. News of a financial increase is on its way.
Crystal for the month: Moonstone
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dolphin
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
This month is all about planning for the future and, lucky you - the gods of justice and chance are working in your favour. Jupiter will be offering you possibilities of change in most aspects of your life, the big question is - is it what you TRULY want? This is the month to be planning for your future rather than just what is best for the now. Finances are going to be the biggest challenges in the first half of the month but as they are for the greater good, its going to be worth while and save you money later on. Car issues are the only downside I can really see for you with extra expenses coming up in either maintenance or insurance.
Crystal for the month: Jade
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Rabbit (again, apparently lady luck is not done with you yet!)
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
This month you may feel like you are clashing heads with more people than you care to admit to, it would be best to slow things down and think before you speak. Interactions with the law are also a high probability so be on your best behaviour. You have a pretty even split of money in and money out during March but hopefully you'll end on a high note. But try and keep the big spending in check! Health issues regarding skin complaints may raise their head - keep an eye out for skin cancers and deal with any concerns post haste.
Crystal for the month: Lapis
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Goat