This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- Total lunar eclipse 16th May
- Full Moon 16th May
- New Moon 30th May
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
Full steam ahead, the month of May will be filled with positive influences and opportunities. Wisdom insights from past lessons learnt will help to ensure the best outcomes in most situations you encounter.
Finances are looking rosy and passive income or financial bonuses may be a welcome surprise.
Crystal for the month: Clear Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Eagle.
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
Changes to home situations are inevitable Be wary of depressive or negative thoughts as you attempt to adjust to the changes. This may be a tough transitional month for you but it is necessary for growth. Patience with family , friends and colleagues will be needed. Health may not be the best during this time. Be careful not to verbally strike out in anger with others.
Crystals for the month: Selenite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Cobra.
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
This is a great month for growth ( albeit slightly painful) Communication may be your weakness so slow down your responses till you have had ample time to mull over your responses. This is not the month for sudden changes or decisions taken lightly. It is also not the time to jump to conclusions. Best take care this month.
Crystal for the month: Lapis
Your spirit guide animal for the month: The Snail .
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
If you were asking the universe for a change of pace, then they heard you loud and clear. This is a time to push for your advantage in life. Spirit is working very closely with you so messages should be prevalent. Synchronicity abounds. Repetition from spirit and karmic destiny doors are being opened. Don't just look at them - run in and start the next chapter.
Crystal for the month: Bismuth
Your spirit guide animal this month: The Humming bird.
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
This month is all about working on your inner self. It is time to re-evaluate your directions , values and motives. Use this month to slow down and take stock. This is also a great time for de cluttering physically as well as mentally. There may be social interaction issues later this month, do not take harsh words to heart. Health requirements also need to be adjusted. Keep a reign on those finances during May as well.
Crystal for the month: Rose Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dragonfly
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Follow your dreams especially in the career sector. during May there are wonderful opportunities for big career advances and change. Finances also get a boost from an unexpected source. Spiritual insights are prolific and new gifts may be granted or discovered. Be careful not to get to cocky as the month progresses and your rebellious and stubborn streak may be a little too much for others after the 20th. Remember - Pride goes before a fall.
Crystal for the month: Celestite
Your spirit animal guide this month: The Llama
LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August
This is going to be a fast paced Karmic month for you. Do your best to just release control and go with the flow for the best results. Steering the boat may lead it to capsize. Trust spirit. Dreams should be intense and sleeping patterns erratic. Your body may show signs of wear and tear after the 17th. pace yourself. Egyptian influences may surface and reveal answers to past life blockages.
Crystals for the month: Turquoise
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Scarab Beetle.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
This month is all about second changes in life for the beautiful Virgo's out there. This will appear in many different sectors of your life. Expect family members to do a double take or even offer a humble apology. If you thought you missed out on a career opportunity or house move, do not be surprised if the chance comes past again. Try a different approach this time. for any second chances that are important to you. The winds of change are coming. love is also rapping at your window.
Crystal for the month: Moonstone
Your Spirit guide animal this month: The swan
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
Relationships and romance will be taking center stage for you this month. Hard work will be needed in this area if you do not want creaks to appear. This is not the month to take anyone for granted. Finances will take a little hit but investments in others will make it worthwhile. Spirit is being represented via the color yellow and through dandelions.
Crystal for the month: Bumblebee Jasper or Mookite.
Your spirit animal guide for the month: The swallow
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
Up until now, this year has been building up to change. This month there may still be some final lessons to learn from. There is a new path for freedoms around the corner and the final exam must be sat. Do not buckle under any external pressure and remember that not all changes made this month will eventuate into permanency. Some things are just being sent to push your buttons and see how you react. Finances are so/so. Remember too that not all things are as dark as they may appear.
Crystal for the month: Goldstone
Your spirit animal for this month: The Ferret
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
After may 10th, there will be a new lease of life. Enjoy the changes. Spirit is pushing you to growth and expansion. This is an exciting time or positive change and adaptability. Welcome to the next important stage of your life Finances are equally up and down as this month progresses but should settle after the 28th into more routine and mundane expenditures. time to shed your old skin and try on a new one.
Crystal for the month: Jade
Your animal guide for this month: The cicada .
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
Chiron, the planet of healing, is playing in your fourth house during May .Changes may be difficult or uncomfortable during this month but necessary. Routines and old habits are due to be improved. Not everyone will see eye to eye with you this month but forgiving yourself will be your most important change.
Crystal for the month: Moss agate
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Goat.