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This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- Full moon: 6th of May

- Mercury turns direct : 15th of May

- New moon: 20th of May

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

The pressure is still hanging around this month but things are not as bad as they may appear. In fact, things are actually starting to ease up around the 15th, it just may take you a bit to notice the changes. Playing it cautious this month seems to be your best plan of action, after all, we don't want to scare off the fickle finger of prosperous fate. Spend wisely, and after the 18th you can start planning forward with more confidence. Those planning holidays during this time should practice their haggling skills to get the best results.

Crystal for the month: Seraphinite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Fox

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

Slow progress is still progress. Do not let recent setbacks deter you from your goals. Health issues could slow you down after the 14th but a little bit of extra care and consideration of your health needs could swiftly put you back on track. Finances should start to improve after the 19th, remember - slow and steady will get you to where you want to be. This month will be filled with little wins that will pay off down the track. Do not underestimate the intricate meanings woven within the finer details in life.

Crystals for the month: Moss Agate or Tree Agate

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Turtle

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

The first half of this month may feel dull, boring or listless - don't wallow in that pit of misery, but rather, turn it around asap. Start looking for life's blessings. Your personal struggles are being attended to by the higher energies in the background and you should start to receive the benefits. Expect surprises after the 14th to coincide with Mercury's direct progress. For those singles, expect amorous advances around the 23rd that should be delightful. The only health concerns are those concerning sugar consumption, watch for after effects.

Crystal for the month: Milky Quartz

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Cow

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

Sticking to your budget until the 15th is very important due to a few extra expenses coming up later this month. Better to be safe than sorry. You may also find your emotions a little difficult to handle so keep yourself out of the limelight if possible. Clashes with people or arguments with customer service personal or authority figures are looming around the 25th when Mars throws its hat into the ring to stir up trouble. This is a good month to play it safe. For those with birthdays this month all is not lost - plan a day that you want surrounded by the things you love the most and it will give your life the rebooting it needs. Remember that the day is about you not the needs or demands of others.

Crystal for the month: Unikite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Sheep

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

Although there is still a little pressure to be felt in your daily grind for the first half of this month, things definitely start to improve after the 19th. A small boost to your finances will be welcome and will put you in good stead for next months fun and games (remember to save some of it please). Health issues seem to hang around either the feet or the hands - possibly joint issues. Magnesium levels should be monitored. The only real downside appears around the 23rd when you need to be wary about 'foot in mouth' syndrome with your partner/loved family member or there could very well be a clash that will be heard in outer space. For those having a birthday this month - enjoy it and spoil yourself, you deserve it this year.

Crystal for the month: Ruby in Zoisite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Chicken or Rooster

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

Another busy month ahead but this time you seem to be taking it all in stride. As this month progresses, finances flow better (with a possible little win or two along the way), people in general seem less annoying and your health issues are manageable, looks like you may finally be finding your balance this month Cancer - well done. You should be able to avert any external problems you encounter on the 23-25th so that they will work out in your favor. A little decluttering will go a long way to achieving clarity and peace of mind. Do not forget to keep up with the routines that work best for you.

Crystal for the month: Rutilated Quartz or Fluorite.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Lorikeet

LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)

Best to keep yourself busy this month and try to keep your nose out of other peoples business. Things could have a habit of backfiring even with the best of intentions. Communications could be strained within the work environment until the 14th. During May, let the universe take care of the bigger details and you concentrate on the finer ones. It will be a month that needs to be kept to safe routines rather than taking chances. You're not doing anything wrong, but the general populace is having some serious attitude issues during May and you may get caught in the crossfire. Remember to ground consistently, keep your protective crystals on your person and cleanse yourself after any social interactions.

Crystal for the month: Hematite, Obsidian

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Echidna

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

This month may start a little gloomy but it shouldn't last long. May should see some progress towards the next best positive chapter of your life. It is important to stay focused on your goals and do not be afraid to dream big after the 18th when important opportunities may literally come knocking on your door. For those singles out there, love could be discovered in the most unusual places around the 22nd/23rd. Good health news may be received during this month or progress made in long term heath setbacks. For those creatives stuck for a direction, listen to your muse when she calls.

Crystal for the month: Larimar or Turquoise

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Mole

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

Learning a new skill should be on your to do list month as you will find a serious urge to move faster, talk louder and be seen. May is a month of personal expansion for you with desire for change growing stronger every day. Run with the energies and opportunities at your disposal. This is a time to take a few personal chances, especially in love, so that you can find your balance. Others may not be as lucky as you during the start of this month so try to limit your interactions with the negative energies in your personal circle. Your only problem this month may be impatience....balance is the key. You can achieve greatness but you do have to learn how to walk before you run. Your stunning inside and out, don't forget that.

Crystal for the month: Carnelian

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Peacock

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

Some deep and meaningful conversations and negotiations may take place this month but stand your ground. It is important that you hold onto your morals when faced with opposition. This may be trying at times but if your heart is in the right place (it is not about money or ego remember) the results should speak for themselves. This is a month of major changes but any legal paperwork or contracts should not be signed until after the 14th and not even a handshake deal on the 29th - Mercury wants to play games this month with your destiny. Things are actually shaping up for some serious improvements, especially in the finance arena but the solid proof could be a little stuck in red tape so be patient and proud of your personal wins.

Crystal for the month: Tektite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Eagle or Hawk

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

Psychic intuition is building momentum. Life is good, money is flowing in when needed and personal satisfaction is growing stronger by the day after the partial lunar eclipse on the 6th. Even your health is tolerable with just a few skin problems than can be irritating or frustrating. Be wary of those occasional flights of fancy that may encroach on your future plans. Time to tweak your vision board and also remind yourself where you came from. This is the month where wonderful progress can be made but try not to forget those less fortunate than yourself and those you love that want to share your journey. Games of chance could work in your favor during May especially logical competitions.

Crystal for the month: Sunstone, Goldstone

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dragonfly

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

Stubborn people could be annoying but you are so much better than to let them get under your skin. Money could be tighter than you like with a few outgoings that are not anticipated. You don't need to be frugal with your finances but it would help if you were sensible. Strangers could offer some comic relief but are not exactly meant to hang around, so do not go looking for deeper meanings in those interactions. This month is more about keeping your head above water and pushing forward in the areas that are important to YOUR future.

Crystal for the month: Phantom Quartz

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Donkey



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