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This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- New moon: 8th of May 1:21pm

- Full moon:23rd of May 11:53pm

- Retrograde planets: Pluto turns retrograde in Aquarius on May 2nd. This is the planet of rebirth and transformation. Decluttering and preparing for the new is what you need to do!

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

May has more family time indicated than normal. Health issues for loved ones may see your own life path however taking a bit of a back seat during May. This is a very industrious month for you so make sure you pace yourself from day one. Time to remove those personal blocks that you have allowed to grow over the years and start the next phase of your life with a clean sweep. Progress should be able to be made in most areas of your life. Overall, a very positive outcome should come from this month even in the foggiest of personal weather that you may encounter.

Crystal for the month: Labradite.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The dragonfly.

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

Although health issues could still be plaguing you during May, most of the other areas of your life seem to be improving. Financially things are definitely improving in stages starting on the 15th, just keep being practical and you should see it double. Games of chances are hit and miss during May so make sure you listen to your guides advise to get the best timing. Relationships seem to be improving for everyone , with singles becoming more social and in some cases a long awaited pregnancy being announced. A new car, home, pet or "toy" could join the household. Notice all the new changes? This month has some wonderfully positive aspects to it, the key ingredient for attaining them is simply your perception to life. Make this month work for you, don't fight it.

Crystals for the month: Moss agate

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Polar Bear.

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

Although there may be some stubborn people that come across your radar this month, do not let them ruin your mood or your progress. Changes are on the positive side even if they are slow to see or hard to find , it just depends on whether your eyes are open. Health should be your priority this month with a change of diet indicated. During May play it slow and steady and you should be able to stay out of trouble and finish the month on a relative high. Good news could come from abroad and your luckiest days are the 17th and 28th .

Spirit connections will make themselves known via electronic devices or through the music scene.

Crystal for the month: Chrysocolla

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The bull.

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

It may have felt like a hard slog lately, but things are definitely on the improve this month. Progress can finally start to be seen and all your hard work should start to pay off. Although those expenses have been creeping up, finances should show a healthy improvement over the next couple of weeks with a lump sum targeting your bank balance later on. Luck is more on your side this month with little gambles on people paying off. Romance shows promise as well during May but keep them light at this stage. I am cautious but optimistic for you during May.

Crystal for the month: Adventurine

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Camel

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

An awesome month ahead for you Gemini, with Jupiter's special graces you will be in a very lucky period of your life. Finances should start to improve on a more regular basis with the possibility of little wins in raffles or games of chance to add to your profit margin. Singles could notice some extra attention from an admirer or a long lost flame,( you can have fun but don't allow yourself to get burnt). Those searching for work could have their dream job fall into their lap. This is also a great time for contracts to be signed. Enjoy the wonderful opportunities that flow your way.

Crystal for the month: Citrine

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The honey bee.

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

This month will see a lot of progress being made on both a personal and business level. Your intuition will be at an all time high so let go of doubt and trust your gut more. This is a good month to update your spiritual tool box - new cards and crystals may call to you to expand your knowledge and skills. There will be more interactions with the general public as well as family during May so just remember that boundaries are a healthy part of life that still need to be maintained. For singles, a foreigner may steal your heart and remind you what love is all about. Let your hair down this month and just enjoy, don't take life so seriously and you will get more out of it.

Crystal for the month: Rose Quartz

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Butterfly.

LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)

Those health issues that have been plaguing you lately should take a bit of a back seat this month. May does include a bit of self doubt and overthinking though, so just be aware that some past doors need to be kept closed rather than opened and re-examined. It is important to keep a healthy mental attitude to all aspects of your life during May. Work could get a bit more hectic but extra money is always good and some praise could be coming your way from higher up like a cherry on a cake. Accept all compliments with good grace. This is NOT a bad month but it may be a little slow to take off, keep plugging away at it.

Crystal for the month: Rutilated Quartz

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Donkey.

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

May could be your most inspirational month yet! Spirit is working hand in hand with you to light a better path so keep your eyes and ears open. Numbers are your significant spiritual indicators during May. Unusual sleep pattens may be a bit of a problem but other than that, things look rosy. Singles could find a suitable partner and those waiting for motherhood could find this month to bring the best surprise with it . A few mechanical expenses may pop up so make sure you shop around for the best deals before committing.

Crystal for the month: Angelite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The blue wren.

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

The scales of justice seem to be swinging your way during May. This is not the month to admit defeat or to turn the other cheek. Quiet pride will be where your success will stem from. Not everyone will see things from your perspective but then, not everyone needs to be walking this path with you. Time to do a little personal decluttering and perhaps some extra information gathering will not go astray, Financially you should end the month on a high. Anything connected to environmental causes should be successful.

Crystal for the month: Jasper

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The red Kangaroo.

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

This month you may have to be a little cautious with your words and attitudes around others or you may find your nose out of joint with their reaction. A little bit of the reality bug may bite you during May but look at it as an opportunity to mentally re adjust your sails. This month will help you to focus on what is important so that you can bring more abundance into your life. There may be a few life lessons, but all of them move you to a more positive place. Health issues could present themselves in the form of frozen shoulders or stiff necks - its just a spiritual lesson to loosen up!

Crystal for the month: Snakeskin Jasper

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Goanna.

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

Loving this month for you! The energy levels are running high allowing you to achieve so much more than you anticipate. This is a true rebirth month for you with many starting new projects, relocating and possible promotions or pay rises. Financially there are a few extra dollars that should be flowing your way during the course of this month which should go a long way to make up for last months unexpected expenses. Health wise, you have a great opportunity to get back on track ,tone up or lose weight so unpack those dumbbells and start the process. Those suffering from long term illness should see some improvements as well. Your good luck isn't just restricted to you during May though, those around you should also be sharing in your good fortune making you rather popular. Enjoy your wonderful month ahead.

Crystal for the month: Citrine

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The stag.

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

With just a little extra elbow grease and fixed determination on your part, could turn this whole year around for you in just one month. Changes are all around you but you need to make the effort. Its time to push past your own boundaries and create that life you truly desire. If you look at May as a time for rebirth and new beginnings you may just see a minor miracle occur. May is opportunity, hope and fresh new beginnings, please make the most of what's in front of you without fear. Financially there are golden moments of small wins so you can afford to splurge on yourself just a bit.

Crystal for the month: Golden obsidian

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Goat



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