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This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- Full Moon (1st November 1:49 am Sydney time)

- New Moon (15th November 4:07 pm Sydney time)

-Blue Moon ( 30th November - 2nd full moon in calendar month)

- Neptune still in retrograde (until November 29th)

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

This month it will be full steam ahead for most aspects of your life. Health issues in November may have a stumbling block around the 20th. Finances are humble to start with but have the potential to climb as the month proceeds .It is time to step up and out into the spotlight, especially when it comes to career goals and visions. This month sees interactions and associations made with many powerful and connected individuals who will help give you the push that you have long needed. Put on your armor, mount your horse and go forth and conquer!

Crystal for the month: Fire Agate

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The White Stallion.

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

This month heralds some dramatic changes and life choices for you. Plans to re invent yourself or your career direction could be given the green light during November as your patience for idiots and blockages placed in your path by others is about to expire. No more excuses. The end of the month sees a true awakening and possible cosmic intervention which will enable you to initiate change. The heralding changes , if they are true to you, will be dramatic but will give you that true sense of freedom that you have been lacking. Dive in the deep end and swim to your personal horizon. Water connections will bring the most intuitive knowledge.

Crystals for the month: Larimar or Lemurian seed

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dolphin

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

Be prepared for a shake up of your normal habits after the 12th. Answers and justice will be your most important goals , especially when in comes to truth in relationships. This is the month when you will need to identify the potential of those around you. Combining skill sets will be a winning objective. Many will be contemplating marriage or a change of living arrangements. Financially, you need to work smarter not harder. In this case, more is better.

Crystals for the month: Ocean Jasper

Your spirit guide animal for the month: The Remora Fish.

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

Emotional conflicts seem to be inevitable for you during November. Be prepared for most people to end up rubbing you the wrong way . This will be the month when you are at your most susceptible to road rage or back seat driving. Your best results will be achieved from not pushing the buttons of others but somehow, I don't think you will have the patience for it. This would be a great month for you to take a vow of silence and meditate on a hill top, far, FAR, away.

Crystals for the month: Bronzite

Your spirit guide animal this month: The Shark

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

So many change you have already had to endure this year poor Gemini. This month sees your body and mind both exhibiting signs of pressure. It is vital that you take an interest into the health aspect of your life. Any changes that you wish to make in this sector will have positive and effective results so rest assured, the effort will be well and truly worth it. This month is presenting you with an opportunity to establish positive healthy living guidelines for yourself. Financially we may feel a bit of a pinch, but that should ease by the end of the month.

Crystal for the month: Howlite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: Peacock ore.

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

Changes are inevitable, but you do have the power to establish healthy boundaries. This month try and find some time for self pampering as you have well and truly earned it this year. A short holiday is very much in the cards or the very least, a time of personal retreat and seclusion from life's responsibilities and dramas. Before you felt like you were forced to step up, this month you choose to .The new moon brings a clarity of thought and direction that has long been misplaced. Financially it seems probable that we have as much going out as coming in - balance is a wonderful thing .Embrace your power.

Crystals for the month: Clear quartz and Moonstone.

Your spirit animal guide this month: The owl.

LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August

Although being a homebody is not your normal go to direction, this month sees exactly that. Self seclusion and exclusion seem to be the new norm for November. Past life traumas could be raising their head and encouraging you to retreat rather than soldier on. This would be a great time to start a new project at home and divert those energies. Time to make peace with your past. Beware of family members that are still wearing blinkers.

Crystals for the month: Picture Jasper or Mookite.

Your spirit guide this month: The crab

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

From the 4th till the 30th, the world is your oyster, or at least, from your eyes it will be. This is a time when your energies and optimism, not to mention confidence and charisma, will be at an all time high. Be careful that you do not miss out on the little joys in your daily life while you run full speed ahead on a maniacal OCD power trip. Communication hits a high return on the 14th, which is perfect for those that are writers ,artists and otherwise creative individuals. If you need to get the word out about how great and talented you are, this is the day to go all out .Financially you should be in a pretty good way this month with even the possibility of a small windfall. Health wise, you have a few close calls but you should dodge most of the bullets this month.

Crystals for the month: Pyrite

Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Eagle.

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

This has got to be one of the best planetary line ups yet for you. A 12 year cycle has just been completed. November sees a wonderful influx of good news and happy moments from almost every sector of your life. I would go so far as to almost consider you the golden child with the Midas touch - somehow everything just seems to work in your favor. Relationships may almost be too hot to handle so you may want to lower that one a notch. Your intuition is brilliant but don't get to cocky. You do need to give yourself a little bit of leeway however ,when it comes to your high personal expectations. Chill out a bit Libra and let the universe do its thing.

Crystal for the month: Diamonds

Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Peacock.

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

This month is very much one where you will want to just take charge, If you are passionate about a direction, then you should be able to achieve miracles. There is lost of laughter and love forecast for you during November but a few people may get lost during the rush. Take time for family so they do not feel left out. Not everyone will have as much get up and go as you, so be prepared to take up some of the work slack to achieve those goals. This month sees a rebirth of that drive and determination you lost earlier in the year. Good for you.

Crystal for the month: Smokey Quartz.

Your spirit animal for this month: The Jaguar.

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

This month should be highly productive for you Sagittarius, with lots of possibilities for extra circular activities and financial potential. Communication flows easily for those you associate with so getting those messages across should be a breeze between the 2nd and the 10th. If you expect lots of support from others this month, then you will not be disappointed. Some unexpected assistance should arrive when you get stuck most from outside your normal radar. Intuition and guidance is focused strongly through those dreams of yours so if your after clarity , just let the universe know and let your dreams reveal your path. Finances give you enough for what is needed as long as you are practical not greedy.

Crystal for the month: Labradite or Rainbow moonstone.

Your animal guide for this month: The Salamander..

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

The path you walk may seem a little cloudy for the start of this month, which could trigger a few anxiety filled moments. Do not over think situations or remarks .From the 12th onwards sees another evaluation of your current relationship - Is it headed in the right direction? Are you being fully nurtured along the way? Walking backwards is never the solution during November. Time for some defining boundaries to be set and some difficult conversations. Career is definitely more rewarding with the possibility of more hours or promotion. Many will be transiting from casual or part time to more full time commitments. If you are not seeing a future with your current employment, perhaps it is time to start putting some feelers out for greener pastures. You may be surprised when the right job finds you rather than hitting your head against brick walls. If you cannot fix a problem, then create the solution!

Crystal for the month: Optical Quartz

Your animal spirit guide this month: The Emu.


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