RAVEN WHISPERS for November 2022

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- Full moon: November 8th (total lunar eclipse)
-New moon: November 23rd (22:57)
-Jupiter ends retrograde November 26th.
Three meteor showers grace the skies during the month of November:
5th-30th November Leonid Meteor shower
12th-13th Northern Taurid Meteor shower
17th-18th Leonid meteor shower maximum passage.
28th Nov - 9th Dec Phoenicid meteor shower.
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
This is a transitional month for you. Financial issues could feel a little tight especially during the first week and a half so start the month off sticking to a tight budget and any financial drains you encounter should not leave a big dent in your savings. A visit to the good guys or the local mechanic could be an unwanted necessity. Luckily you will not be left short or disadvantaged, just slightly irritated and annoyed. Career wise, you may not like the changes but as they say, everything for a reason . Spirit is forcing changes to improve your life and hard work will be called for. Accept the changes for the better and later you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Crystal for the month: Apophyllite.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Caterpillar.
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
Change is inevitable, some quite sudden and unexpected. You can however move forward from this.
Try and deal with situations as they are presented and do not blow things out of proportion or dwell on the negatives. A person's actions will disappoint you this month, so be prepared to take a step back and not get involved. Finances are better than expected but try to keep what extra you have gained rather than splurge on the unnecessary. Health is a little all over the place too so try and curb any reckless behavior.
Crystals for the month: Thulite or Rhodonite .
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Tadpole.
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
Big money drains are looming during November and savings may have to be dipped into. Look at this as an upgrade month and go for the better rather than just the cheaper options presented. Sometimes you really do get what you pay for. People are also going to be a massive drain on your energies . This would be a great month to put your head down and your bum up. Focus on what's in front of you and make the changes matter for the long term. Health has mood swings, insomnia and aches and pains written all over it. A copper bracelet could just help with that during November.
Crystal for the month: Bronzite or rutile crystals .
Your spirit guide animal for the month: The Horse.
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
November is marked with a series of endings but not a whole lot of answers, so prepare yourself for
the occasional emotional roller coaster ride. The good news is that you will finish the month on a much higher note with personal emotional security being re- established. This month is all about creating new boundaries. It is definitely time to let go of the past and work with what you have in front of you. For those in long established relationships, your partner may require some extra attention so don't push away those you love. Keep an eye on your budget.
Crystal for the month: Turquoise..
Your spirit guide animal this month: The Starfish.
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
This month has relationship issues written all over it. Perhaps you are hanging on too tight to a system that does not work or you are feeling betrayed or stifled by a partner? singles may be involved in very shallow relationships that have one way advantages? either way, changes need to be made. Do not be afraid to reach for the stars, you are stronger than you realize. Money is tight and goods are scares. Be prudent with your money. Extra emotional pressure could be felt around the 17th/18th.
Crystal for the month: Selenite.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Black Widow Spider.
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Time to re-evaluate the way you do things Cancer. This month has the potential for change that will pay off later on but it will require effort on your part. Consider this an emotional upgrade month. Health needs to be taken more seriously. Finances should get a healthy injection from a distant source - do not go wild, make this work for you. Seriously time to move with the times and learn those new skills.
Crystal for the month: Peacock ore.
Your spirit animal guide this month: The Dragonfly.
LEO ( 21st July - 21st) August
Changes are needed this month in most of the areas of your life to avoid falling into a rut or encouraging bad habits. That stagnant energy needs to be kicked out the door. To encourage the positive aspects of change, try to look at the depth of your vision rather than focus on the shallow responses that life has been giving back to you . This is the month to start planning more authentically towards that future you dream of. Spend more time on what gives you joy and serenity. Your garden is calling you , be proud of your efforts. health issues could include coughs and sniffles but nothing major. Finances could take a little beating with incoming bills- watch those red light cameras please.
Crystals for the month: Labradite or opal .
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Sloth.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
This month is a time when you definitely need to release control and flow with universal love. You have been putting yourself under too much stress and your body is giving you warning signs. If possible, take some time out in nature and revive your flagging enthusiasm for life. Spirit is also very close all this month so take notice of animal messengers. You are well supported when you do not fight life.
Crystal for the month: Fossilized Bamboo
Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Moth.
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
You may find November to be a very emotional month. Big changes are indicated in areas where you feel most vulnerable. This is life challenging you to be stronger and view obstacles differently. Do not be afraid of change but rather , embrace it. You will come through the other side of this emotional storm with grace, strength and finesse and learn so much more about yourself. There are some things in life you cannot control, but your personal growth from these events will be evident.
Crystal for the month: Goldstone.
Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Dingo.
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
November is the time when socializing is the name of the game. You will make many strong connections and be drawn to do some serious networking. Learn how to work that room honey and shine like the diamond you are. This may require you to hand over some of your independence for a short period but the benefits outweigh any moments of frustration you may encounter. The 12th and 17th should be highlights.
Your savings may have to take a little hit but its all for a good cause.
Crystals for the month: Pyrite.
Your spirit animal for this month: The Peacock.
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
Your mind is a little all over the place with overthinking. This could be due to being so mentally exhausted. Time to readjust your priorities and that can start by taking better care of yourself physically. Long walks, healthy meals, laughter with friends and good sleep when you can get it can all help. Financially you will have highs and lows but it should at least end on the high note. Extra money could flow in from unexpected sources. overall, when you add a little balance into your daily existence, this month could be quite a good one.
Crystal for the month: Moss agate.
Your animal guide for this month: The brown Bear .
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
November could feel a little harsh with so many sudden or abrupt changes. Romance could hit a rocky spot due to lack of clear communication and in some cases a lover revealing totally different life goals. Be aware that many of your old thoughts and ideals could be obsolete. Don't get caught out living your life in the past or you will miss some wonderful upcoming opportunities. Superficial needs will be discarded and a new you will emerge victorious. At times you may feel like you are skating on this ice, but the important thing to remember is to just keep skating. When you stop and look back, that is when the ice may crack.
Crystal for the month: Phantom Quartz .
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Artic fox.