RAVEN WHISPERS for November 2023

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- New moon: November 13th
- Full moon: November 27th
- Retrograde planets: Saturn remains in retrograde till Nov 4th, Jupiter and Neptune still in retrograde all month.
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
November can hold some exciting moments for you. This month the secret to success is all about co-operating with others. Your sweet talking abilities can have your colleagues and lovers under your spell, just be careful not to take advantage of the situations that present themselves. The high energy that surrounds you during this month could take a toll on your health so grounding and sensible eating is essential. Do your best not to get carried away by all that good luck because being too cocky could turn it all around in one fell swoop. Luck is your buddy as much as ego is your enemy during November. All in all, things are looking good.
Crystal for the month: Smokey Quartz.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Honey Bee.
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
An exciting month ahead for you. A very practical approach is called for for the first two weeks to enable steady progress. Finances are actually improving from the 12th but it may be a little slow to hit the bank account. A smaller lump sum could be on its way as you read, check the bank balance after the 20th or written/verbal financial confirmation on the 27th. Interactions with old friends or an old flame could be rekindled. Make the most of the opportunities as they present themselves. Your faith in yourself will pay off, expect support from those when you need it most. Your future is assured, life's keys will be handed to you shortly.
Crystals for the month: Labradite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Magpie
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
This is it, the time is right. Time to take that leap of faith on yourself and your desires. This month is full of possibilities for you but just remember that they come at a price so be sure of what your intentions truly are. Ego has no place in achieving success this month but if your heart is pure, you can achieve miracles for you and your family unit. Be the standard you want to see in the world. Finances are improving and with a little extra effort, so could your health. Expect to lose a kilo or two by months end if you put in the work.
Crystal for the month: chrysocolla
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Platypus
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
Information = progress during the month of November. Gather and store as much information as you can. Before embarking on new projects or aligning with new people please do your research. This month has a few twists and turns and you will need to be well prepared to avoid problems developing. Be prepared to think on your feet or have an option B on standby on anything important to your wellbeing. Your health should be made a priority this month or your body could let you down, blood tests may be needed. A possible clash with the law could also be avoided with a little common sense. Spending should be on practical things rather than frivolous activities. Overall, it isn't a bad month as long as you are prepared to be logical, practical and informed. Do not draw attention to yourself this month and you should stay out of trouble.
Crystal for the month: Tiger iron
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The redback spider
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
Interesting love signals surround you during November. Singles could have their hands full of choices and those with partners could see a little extra in the romance sector. Finances are slightly unstable with highs, then lows and then highs again by months end. A few extra lucky days are indicated on the 15th, 18th and 21st which could bring wins. Mother nature could put a bit of a dampener on your happiness rating with her interference during November but overall, this month has potential. Improvement in working situations or environments are also indicated. My advise - go with the flow.
Crystal for the month: Rose Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Wombat .
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Although this month may start of slow, rest assured it will not stay that way for long. Finances are fairly steady till mid month then a late cash injection should arrive. From the 13th on is when the energy starts to ramp up. New and exciting developments and opportunities will be discussed and planning that next adventure could already be in the works. past associates ,friends or family members could resurface and touch base unexpectantly, do not let it phase you. Activities to do with others will bring untold benefits your way so don't hide from life - live it. Any current family health dramas should see an improvement or ending to the situation, opening the door to that next chapter. Good news could come from a distance. Begin planning for Christmas now if you haven't started yet and find a way to include more music or rhythm into your life to raise those frequencies.
Crystal for the month: Larimar
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Kookaburra
LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)
Anxiety issues could raise their head this month within the family, try and keep a balanced approach at home rather than hiding your head in the sand. Patience will be necessary with work colleagues or Virgos in general to avoid problems. Finances are not too bad and a little extra spending towards Christmas or on that special personal treat would help to raise spirits. For those about to embark on a new adventure, rest assured the time is right. A holiday or short trip to a major town could be calling you, take the plunge. A change from the mundane is just what is needed.
Crystal for the month: Fossilized Bamboo or wood.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Emu.
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
There are tricksters in your midst. Not all is as it appears during November , be careful not to let your dreams cloud your judgement. Planning will have more value than quick actions this month. Mid month you may feel very pushed towards certain actions or words that are best kept quiet. A practical approach to this month is called for, slow steady steps will keep you out of trouble. Finances are slightly strained at times but still flowing in more than expected by the 28th. Mechanical issues could take centre stage, perhaps a service or new tyres may be needed to avoid costly problems later on? Headaches and migraines could be annoying as well so stay well hydrated.
Crystal for the month: Pyrite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Lyrebird.
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
What are you waiting for? Full steam ahead Captain! This month has so much energy just waiting to propel you into happiness and prosperity. Some of those vision board dreams are about to become a reality so buckle up and enjoy the ride. Long term situations that have been bogging you down are soon about to be no more than a distant memory. All the stars seem to be lining up in your favour Libra. New work opportunities should present themselves by the 15th bringing that extra income you were asking for with it and for all those singles out there, keep your eyes open and your calendar free. Time to take a chance on love. Yep, November could well have been the month you have been waiting for.
Crystal for the month: Clear Quartz
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Blue Wren.
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
An interesting month ahead for you. Words will be very important so take your time and choose them wisely. Relationships will also need you to tread carefully if you want them to go smoothly .For those that are single, you may not find the love of your life this month but you will learn a lot about loving yourself. Quiet, introspection will benefit your wellbeing on the 13th, 18th and 21st. Surround yourself with quality not quantity in all areas of your life during November and appreciate how far you have come. For those with Birthdays this month, expect some interaction with spirit with messages of love and support. This month may not have fireworks for you, but strong foundations are being formed for a wonderful future.
Crystal for the month: Mookite
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Koala Bear.
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
This month may not always feel like the easiest of times or situations however every obstacle or development has a silver lining. This is a very busy, jam packed month for you both workwise and socially, pace yourself and pick your battles. Boundaries will have to be reinforced for your own sanity and well being. Make your words heard. Financially there are a few highlights with perhaps just a bit more than luck floating your way, every extra cent counts and brings you closer to your goals .New experiences call you around the 18th which should make you smile. All is going well in the romance department and a little bit of extra bling could also be in the cards. A serious weight could be lifted off your shoulders around the 3rd.
Crystal for the month: Rainbow Moonstone
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dingo.
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
This month you need to stay on top of everything. Keep pushing forward towards your goals and don't give up, success is just around the corner. Communication is important in the work environment, take full credit for your own work rather than allow yourself to be kept in the shadows. A possible promotion or bonus could be your reward for self confidence. This month I need you to be very determined and focused if you are to achieve the best outcome. Financially things are improving but they could be better. A little bit of preventative maintenance around the home would be a wise move.
Crystal for the month: Tigers Eye ( colour depending on situations)
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Red Kangaroo