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RAVEN WHISPERS for November 2024

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- New moon: 1st November & 30th November (yep, two new moons this month!)

- Full moon: 15th November

- Retrograde planets: The latest planet to join the list of retrograde movement in November is Mercury on the 26th. It will join Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn. Saturn should be leaving the retrograde party to resume normal life on the 15th of November.

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

Slow and steady wins the race! November holds a lot of planning and organizing bringing you into your element. This month sees you very much in control and loving every minute of it. Close friends and family should all call on your wise advise after the 15th. Health seems to be stable except for a few digestive issues. Finances are strong and steady (for now), but try to remain practical rather than overspend to keep them that way. A pay rise or career upgrade could be in the works.

Crystal for the month: Mookite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Squirrel.

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

Keeping focused is going to be your hardest task during this month. There will be many new adventures presenting themselves for you to choose from in both your work life and your private life. Change seems to be the most prominent word associated to Pisces in November. Socially for singles it could be exciting with the opportunity to widen your friendship circles and business contacts. You do appear to be quite industrious during this month too and it will pay off financially by months end. External recognition will be welcomed. Health is the only drawback that seems to be presenting itself but that could just be because you forget to pace yourself. Plenty of water, plenty of sleep and lots of sunshine will go along way.

Crystals for the month: Citrine

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Rabbit.

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

Family issues or disputes could erupt within the first two weeks so play peacemaker - but do not take sides! A work colleague could also get in the way of a peaceful November, so watch your back or you may lose your job. A larger financial splurge could be necessary after the 18th. Health issues range from ear issues to balance problems (these may or may not be connected). Even spirit seems to be confusing this month - don't jump to conclusions. A full check up may be required to sort it out. This is not the month to take chances, best play it safe till the 2nd new moon.

Crystal for the month: Prehnite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Koala.

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

This month will see you on your toes with ever changing events culminating on the 15th with a possible dramatic showdown with friends, family or colleagues. You need to find a way to reduce your stress during November so try and schedule some self pampering time. Finances seem to remain steady and, with the exception of possible blood pressure or sugar levels, health is actually not too bad. Time to start counting your blessings rather than listing your grievances. The last week is definitely the most eventful and successful when it comes to the surprise factor. For those single and mingling, love could be right under your nose.....

Crystal for the month: Cats eye

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dragonfly.

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

Learning to look at the bigger picture rather than any day to day disappointments will be your hardest task during November. The energy itself is quite chaotic and ever changing but having the right approach will make all the difference. Staff changes, injuries or illness may keep the roster makers on their toes. Finances may appear slow, however the end results could surprise with less outgoings and your prior preparations and plannings will herald a sweet reward. Thinking outside the everyday income streams when it comes to financial rewards, could be worth checking out. Individual health issues seem to be steady which is another bonus. Those trying to improve their appearance may find their efforts do not go astray.

Crystal for the month: Tiger eye

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Llama.

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

All that long term planning and hoping could soon pay off. Changes are indicated this month with definite positive outcomes. Many will be improving their career choices are upgrading their working situations, this will lead to a better financial income later on. The timing for situations you are expecting could be a little off but they do say patience is a virtue. Be prepared to stand in the spotlight and learn how to say thank you when things go right. Spirit is definitely very close all during this month so expect some extra visits from past loved ones. This is also a great month for any courses you would like to begin or continue as things should flow easier. Not a bad month overall: busy but satisfying!

Crystal for the month: Angelite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Monarch Butterfly.

LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)

Your body needs you to take it easy this month. November will be a major reset time for you and it could take its toll. Problems in the workplace will be swiftly handled on the 12th. This is the month that you need to take stock early as major changes are about to take place. Connections with others are prominent and important to secure the next decade, choose wisely who you associate or join forces with. Strength will come through a connection with another. Money does seem to keep flowing in, so you can afford to splurge a little. The one area that may need extra energy directed could be your love life but that is just to keep it on track.

Crystal for the month: Fluorite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Eagle.

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

Things look quite promising on the romantic side of your life this month. Singles are set for a dazzling encounter around the 11th and established relationships could take things to the next level. A large number of Virgos will receive bling in one form or another this month. A successful family encounter could also eventuate much to everyone's surprise. All-in-all relationships are go, go GO! Finances seem to be steady with one or two small wins and health issues should take a back seat during this month. Enjoy this month, you have earnt it.

Crystal for the month: Sunstone

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Swan.

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

This month should be fairly routine for you with most of the action happening to those in your immediate circle. A new house move or renovations urge could seem appealing (or perhaps you may get bitten by the travel bug) - either way movement is on your horizon. This month holds a lot of the behind the scenes work to be done but it is all worth it for the better changes it heralds. Health looks pretty good and finances fairly steady. Not a great deal to get excited about during November but we all need some self care months now and then.

Crystal for the month: Milky Quartz

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Bush Turkey.

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

If you have ever watched those Roadrunner cartoons, then you will have a pretty good idea how this month will turn out. The true question is - who do you identify with, the road runner or the coyote? Time to move your thinking to the winning team and start expecting the positives rather than the negatives. Even the worst storms have silver linings. Very simply, this month can be what you are prepared to make it, not everything will go your way but your reactions will determine your happiness and success.

Crystal for the month: Orange Calcite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Cheetah.

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

Maintaining healthy boundaries will be very important for you this month. Careful pushing your point too hard in the workplace, but don't cover for team mates either. It's a very fine line that you will be walking all month. Incoming finances seem set to improve after the 20th and should remain steady till the new year. Health seems to be the major issue during November however but better to deal with it now rather than ignore it till later. A lifestyle change is going to be necessary, roll with the punches, it could be worse.

Crystal for the month: Howlite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Echidna.

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

Hold onto your hat Capricorn, this month is going to be action packed and shaky! The first half of this month is all about dramatic change. You may find yourself getting rather short tempered with those around you. Time to let go of all things stagnating your energy and start surrounding yourself with the positives. Finances may have to be shuffled around to meet expectations but you shouldn't be left in the red for too long. Many will start looking for a new career path by the 18th. Health issues seem to be centred around the feet and toes.

Crystal for the month: Labradite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Cobra.



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