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RAVEN WHISPERS for October 2022

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- Full moon: October 9th (8:55pm)

_Saturn resumes direct motion on October 23rd.

-New moon: October 25th (10:29am))

-Mars begins retrograding on October 31st.

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

October has some seriously all round good fortune headed your way. Relationships seem sweet and steady. Health is improving with vitality raising. Career opportunities could be handed to you on a plate. Finances get a nice little boost as well. Even animals like you, what more could you ask for? Its almost too good to be true....

Crystal for the month: Pyrite

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Lyre bird.

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

Make the most of the first two weeks dear old Pisces because this is when most of the action happens. Work offers or work environment improvements are indicated . There may be a few expenses to shell out on in the second week but the money will soon replenish. Any house improvements or changes made during this month are positive. Relationships could hit rocky waters after the 19th so choose your battles and your words carefully.

Crystals for the month: Fluorite .

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The beaver.

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

Steady and reliable will be the cornerstone of your month, at least for the first three weeks. If anything, it may seem a little monotonous. Make the most of a peaceful, event free month rather than stirring up trouble.

This is a great month for furthering your spiritual or educational side. Learning is highly effective and those connected to the education sector could receive praise or accolades.

Crystal for the month: Jasper.

Your spirit guide animal for the month: The owl.

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

This month is going to be pretty well flowing in your favor in most sections of your life. Wonderful opportunity for advancements in the workplace or a great time to start new projects. Home life is harmonious and people in general are easier to get along with. Finances are set to improve ( although only slightly) as well. There is not a great deal that can go wrong if you are methodical, patient and practical.

Crystal for the month: Bronzite.

Your spirit guide animal this month: The crow.

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

Jupiter, that old scallywag planet, is playing a major part in your life during October. There could be some real surprises that reveal themselves in positive ways. This month your catch phrase could very well be 'OMG'. future insights and directions are being carved out as we speak. Overseas connections are also indicated and some answers to old questions may finally be confirmed.

Crystal for the month: Labradite.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The chameleon.

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

Not a lot of movement during October. Small wins in love and money during the first half of the month. It is all about the effort you put into things that helps smooth any potential muddy waters. Work remains constant as does your budget until the very last week which could prove expensive. be smart with your money this month. health improvements could slow or even stop around the 29th. if you were hoping for bells and whistles this month, think again.

Crystal for the month: Prehnite.

Your spirit animal guide this month: The turtle.

LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August

October sees some opportunities arising in the career sector with promotions or new responsibilities being added to your already over worked schedule. Health issues are mainly stress related but don't ignore any warning signs - err on the side of caution. Siblings could surprise you with their lack of annoyance. Singles could break a few hearts during October but married couples could get an even stronger bond against a common foe.

Crystals for the month: Moss agate.

Your animal spirit guide this month: The Llama.

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

Those that have recently started or are planning amendments to their existing business should see new financial growth as a result. Those that work in the government sector may be up for promotion or pay increases by months end. You may have to dip into your savings on the 10th unexpectedly. Do not take any risky financial changes after the 14th. Health issues are mainly of the headaches or migraine variety ( caused by little people or work colleagues) so keep your stress levels low. At least your love life is going smoothly with many making more permanent plans.

Crystal for the month: Fossilized wood

Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Panther.

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

Navigating through this October feels very similar to negotiating with a three year old. Do not expect any gains without losses and never assume things are over till we hit November. This is a month that will test your patience and determination, not to mention your sense of humor. Health issues could arise in the second half of the month so pace yourself. Be more practical and less whimsical in your dreams please.

Crystal for the month: Goldstone.

Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Dingo.

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

This month really seems to be focused around health issues with your stubborn side making things worse than it needs to be. Good news for family members may be a cause of later celebration. There will be some necessary financial setbacks after the 18th with possibly new tires or new appliances being needed. Just do what needs to be done. safety first - be wary of electrical issues.

Crystals for the month: Reticulated Quartz

Your spirit animal for this month: The owl.

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

This month could be a bit of an unsettled roller coaster ride .Silly small issues and silly mistakes being made that could lead to injuries. Cuts, grazes, rashes, bumps and bruises are lining up for you to choose from. This whole month indicates you having an uncomfortable relationship with time itself. Learn how to slow down. The most important thing to be careful with is transportation. Don't cut any corners or take any chances while driving. Arriving late is better than not arriving at all.

Crystal for the month: Obsidian.

Your animal guide for this month: Caterpillar .

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

Financially should see this month being one of your best this year. Romantically it seems that you could have everyone eating out of your hands - don't let your strong charisma go to your head though, it should only last the two weeks and then reality could set in. The area you really need to focus on this month is in the work sector. You need to stay focused and be diligent in achieving any goals set for October.

Crystal for the month: Rose Quartz .

Your animal spirit guide this month: The Peacock.



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