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RAVEN WHISPERS for October 2023

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:

- New moon: 15th October.

- Full moon: 29th October ( pink moon).

- Retrograde planets: Pluto ends October 22nd, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter are retrograde all month.

AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)

Start the month of with a deep breathe and then just gently flow into October. This month should see a calmer and more settled response to life's surprises. Even the daily grind will appear less annoying if you take a softer approach. Financially things are still slowly improving and a small win or two could be in the cards. Health issues are mild in comparison to those around you so don't complain too much if you can help it - perhaps Skin irritations and small tummy upsets. Small children and foals could develop colic so keep a watchful eye on young ones.

Crystal for the month: Fluorite.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Zebra.

PISCES (19th February - 20th March)

Many could feel this month drag on and become slightly frustrating but hang in there, progress is being made in the background and a clearer result could be seen by months end. This month is about quiet, steady progress rather than being in the limelight. Finances are still improving with less outgoings than incomings and there may be a possible new direction or interest that could take your fancy to spice things up a bit. The hardest thing will be to keep your eye on the bigger picture rather than dwell on the smaller details. Not everything will go your way so place a little faith in spirit that it will all turn out for the best.

Crystals for the month: Tiger iron.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The spiky Caterpillar.

ARIES (21st March - 20th April)

Time to get your house in order Aries. This month will see many reorganizing their lives into a more practical and profitable order. Change in a positive but ruthless manor is to be expected. Finances need to be tightened on the home front to rebuild that lacking nest egg. If you are serious about positive change and are willing to do the hard yakka, then you will succeed in creating a more positive environment. Spend your free time ditching bad habits and unnecessary clutter and your health will benefit as well as your wallet. Many will relocate or sell an existing property. It is up to you as to the outcome of this month.

Crystal for the month: Tiger eye.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Bee.

TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)

Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. Taurus people will need to act with caution during October and not overthink situations. Financial situations are balancing to a more positive note during this month ,with the 18th bringing with it a possible financial win. Be careful not to take relationships for granted during after the 12th or you may end up with some heated arguments. Singles need to be wary of strangers baring gifts or flowery speeches, as all is not as it seems. As long as you are practical, polite and cautious, you should come out ahead by the 28th.

Crystal for the month: Adventurine.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Goat.

GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)

Hang on to your hat this month as this will be another one that will fly by. Things tend to happen swiftly during October and everything is just that little bit more intense. Singles could fall heavily for a new person or long term lovers could decide to take that next big leap in their relationship. Changes in accommodation with house sales/purchases being right at the top of the list. There is an opportunity for a new job or promotion and more money as a result in the long term. This is the month of big events and dramatic changes. Overall a very good month if you tackle it with the right attitude.

Crystal for the month: Garnet.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Stag.

CANCER (21st June - 20th July)

Don't spread your wings too far this month cancer, you are needed more at home. If you can keep to what your good at ,you will not be disappointed with the end results. Work will be consistent and financially rewarding but only if you keep your ego out of the equation. Health issues may start with prominent skin irritations or a scratchy throat but that is just a reminder that you still need to look after your own health this month not just be concerned for everyone else's. Good news may arrive concerning a family member. In many ways, this is a reset month for you which will give you the opportunity to create stronger foundations for the future. If your going to do something, do it well the first time.

Crystal for the month: Rose quartz.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Willy Wagtail.

LEO ( 21st July - 21st August)

Ask and you shall receive. This is a month of good intentions and one where you will need to trust in spirit. Be careful not to dwell on any disappointments along the way, not every penny will be shiny but it still holds value. Attention to details with a partner is important around the 20th if you wish to avoid a scene. Most things are holding steady in your world during October and spirit is very present on a daily basis. This would be a good month to tweak that vision board. Health issues are centred around the feet and ankles - insoles could be on the cards or a visit to a podiatrist. Family members could be emotionally absent or argumentative - do not take it to heart, just give them space.

Crystal for the month: Howlite.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Bower Bird.

VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)

Time to check if your health needs are being met. October is a very physical month with a lot of energy connected to it. Athletes' or those in the sporting industry could do quite well for themselves. Money is flowing in from unexpected areas but please don't question it, just say thanks and put it in the bank. singles could be swept off their feet with a new romance. Be careful to stick to the rules when it comes to driving or a fine and a few points could be the price you pay.

Crystal for the month: Carnelian

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Hare

LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)

Things are turning around for you Liberians. New job opportunities or business connections are in the wings especially around the 14th. Finances should receive a nice cash injection to take some of the pressure off or something that you have been waiting on for a long time could finally come to fruition. Major changes are certainly in the air. Many of you will be pushed into the spotlight during this month so make sure you are on your best behaviour. Long standing health issues seem to be improving but new issues concerning eye health could materialize. Time to see that optometrist.

Crystal for the month: Clear Quartz.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Dragonfly.

SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)

You may feel argumentative until the 15th but it would be best to hold your tongue. This month is all about effort and intent for you. Spend time focusing on what's really important rather than any pie in the sky dreams and you will be better for it. There may be some larger expenses after the 20th but hopefully this could lead to a life upgrade rather than just a wallet deficit. Possible rib or chest injuries and/or ailments during this month - take care and wear your seat belt.

Crystal for the month: Crazy lace Agate.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The wombat.

SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)

life during this month is still steadily improving. Financially there could be a little windfall or some workplace commendation or accolade. Health issues that have been plaguing you for some time could take a much needed backseat during the month of October. More new peoples, places and experiences will cross your path much to your enjoyment. From a romantic point of view, singles could find they are spoilt for choice after the 13th and long term relationships are extremely comfortable in future planning. Watch for signs from spirit.

Crystal for the month: Labradite.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Eagle.

CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)

I hope your ready to work because this month is going to put you to the test. Home improvements and maintenance are a number one priority heading into the bushfire season. Don't put things off till later if you can avoid it. October will be highly productive on the work front as well but extra pressure from above will not be appreciated so just do it for your own pride and in your own time, not for the pat on the back. Family will also seek extra attention during October, make sure you include some quality moments and create lasting memories. The extra strain of this month could reflect in your sporadic sleep pattens, be sure to take time out for you and stay well hydrated.

Crystal for the month: Lepidolite.

Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Turtle.



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