RAVEN WHISPERS for September 2022

This month planetary movements to keep an eye on:
- Retrograde begins for Mercury : 9th September
- Full moon : September 10th (9:59am)
- Southern Spring Equinox / Ostara : September 23rd
_Numerous planets still currently in retrograde during September
-New moon : September 25th (21:55)
AQUARIUS (20th January - 18th February)
There are good career prospects and possibilities of advancement for you during this month.
Luck is definitely on your side. Large or interstate /overseas companies should have finances increasing. Education that has abstract or distance connections could also work in your favor. Debts could be paid off or at the very least reduced during this month and those that are married should get closer to the true essence of their partner ( for better or for worse...)
Crystal for the month: Jade.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Sea Turtle.
Lucky numbers :7& 21
PISCES (19th February - 20th March)
An odd little month for you but not necessarily a bad one. Spending will increase during September but this will make you money in the long run so , don't stress it. Business itself has some lovely healthy signs of prosperity and future building that will also work in your favor down the track. Personal reputation will increase during the month with more personal wins rather than losses. Be prepared to let your voice be heard and to stand up in the spot light when it is required.
Crystals for the month: Blue Lace Agate.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Monarch Butterfly.
Lucky numbers: 2 & 17
ARIES (21st March - 20th April)
Those that are currently employed could experience some issues and financial blockages during those middle weeks. Be sure to stick to any budgets that you may have put in place. This is not the time to splurge recklessly. Large or global corporations should do well. This is a great month for family long term issues to be addressed and come to a successful conclusion. Clear communication with your partner ( for those that are spoken for) is a huge necessity to avoid misunderstanding that could lead to giant rifts.. Any health issues that arise during September must be looked into and not ignored. This could have long term consequential ramifications.
Crystal for the month: Turquoise.
Your spirit guide animal for the month: The Magpie.
Lucky numbers: 3 & 5
TAURUS (21st April - 20th May)
This is a great month for your career. You should receive the help and assistance( as well as the support ) from your mentors or from those in authority that you need . Entrepreneurs should do well. There are small conflicts and tiffs indicated within the family unit however, so remember to not jump to any conclusions and when in doubt, let it go. Health issues could surface during September, so do not delay investigations.
Crystal for the month: Tourmaline Quartz .
Your spirit guide animal this month: The Sea cow
Lucky numbers: 1 & 18
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June)
Things are apparently looking up in your professional life. Travel is indicated with business interactions. Although it will be hard for you to separate that line between work and rest this month. This is a great time for improvements in the health sector as long as you put in the effort. The only down side health wise would be blood related incidents or blood samples. There is however the possibility of fights with elders. remember respect is earned not just granted.
Crystal for the month: Hematite.
Your animal spirit guide for the month: The Sun Bear.
Lucky numbers: 6 & 14
CANCER (21st June - 20th July)
Well, this month I must say looks pretty sweet! It should be a great month for finances, and also good for business stability. This month also shows great planetary movements towards successful broader family requirements and interactions. This is also a Steller month for students. Health issues appear to be small rather than serious during September. There is the possible separation from your partner for those that are long term married but this seems planed rather than forced and will herald some good news and strengthened relationships. Honestly, this is the month you have been waiting for all year - let your hair down and enjoy.
Crystal for the month: Unikite.
Your spirit animal guide this month: The Starfish.
Lucky numbers: you have the Midis touch - whatever feels right probably is.
LEO ( 21st July - 21st )August
Possible promotion or raise during this month. There could be small family dynamic issues but nothing you cannot conquer. Money is highly flexible in its gains and losses ( very hard to actually keep in the hand) Be responsible with your finances during the month of September. Stress will raise its head but you will have the tools to keep it under control.
Crystals for the month: Fluorite.
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Termite.
Lucky numbers: 1 & 3
VIRGO (22nd August - 22nd September)
This month appears to have some real highlights in the work or business sector. Remember to show your best side at all times and it should get the attention of those around you. Those in the education field however, could encounter some work blockages or conflicts with colleagues. remember to breathe. Home life is just ok nothing stunning and issues with your partner may arise through irritability . This is a good month for money overall but beware of get rich quick schemes. I would advise that this is the time to focus on the long term rather than the short term gains in ALL areas.
Crystal for the month: Selenite .
Your Spirit guide animal this month: The Blue Whale .
Lucky numbers: 2,4 & 8
LIBRA (23rd September - 22nd October)
Work is far from secure this month with the possibility of shortened hours or loss of a job. Stay professional at all times and give that extra effort rather than the extra attitude to avoid this potential problem. Business troubles with clients are also indicated for those in the service industry. There is a sense of entitlement that could be hard to stomach without reacting. Although students should do well this month I would advise all Libra peeps to research carefully before making any purchases. Family life should be tight and supportive during September.
Crystal for the month: Rhodenite.
Your spirit animal guide for the month: The Puffer Fish.
Lucky numbers: 8 & 10
SCORPIO (23rd October - 22nd November)
Financial issues could be raising their head this month so remember to play it safe with your budget and money. On the plus side, There does seem to be progress in all the other areas of your life. Even the health factor - it only indicates minor annoyances like sniffles or small scars. Possible skin rashes and the like.
I would be counting all my blessings rather than focusing on any low points in my life or difficulties. The success of this month really does rely on your positivity and optimism.
Crystals for the month: Labradite.
Your spirit animal for this month: The owl.
Lucky numbers: 1 & 5
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November - 20th December)
well, this seems to be an interesting month for you with many positive opportunities if you look at your cup half full. There does seem to indicate a profit for business owners and success for career movers and shakers. Educators may need to err on the side of caution rather than running headfirst into difficulties. Relationships could be a little strained so be prepared to be patient. There will be the opportunity for extra income during September and I would be advising you to grab it while you can. This will be a good month for health overall.
Crystal for the month: Mookite .
Your animal guide for this month: The Dragonfly .
Lucky numbers: 2 & 7
CAPRICORN (21st December - 19th January)
This month you could encounter difficulties at work so patience will be called for. There could be a drag back to past employment or the opportunity to advance in your current field. Either way, change is in the air. Choose the side that brings you the most pleasure rather than the most money. Educators will need to watch their backs as political intrigue once again raises its internal head. Relationships could be strained with a few inconsistent responses. September is a good month overall for health except for knee issues. There will be the possibility of extra income. Some could win a small jackpot.
Crystal for the month: Citrine.
Your animal spirit guide this month: The Lorikeet.
Lucky numbers: 3, 10 & 13