Out of all the start signs, Poor Scorpio people seem to get a bit of a bad rap. They have an incredible drive and energy that tends to be misunderstood by colleagues and partners. They can be determined, emotional ( more pouting than tears!),passionate and many have a true magnetic quality. They can also be very jealous , obsessive and obstinate. So really , it all comes down to how YOU interact with a Scorpio lover,family member or work associate that will either bring out the best, or worst, in them. Balance is what a Scorpio needs to rise to their full potential.
The best past times for this star sign would be martial arts, debating or swimming as all of these would encourage moderation and balance while still expressing themselves. When it comes to a career, anything that offers pressure and challenge will be right up their ally. Many Scorpions will be found in the Navy, engineering,research and development, detective or police work or even the wine industry.
Scorpio children will like their privacy, and if they are unhappy or unwell will tend to reject their favorite foods or past times.This is when the parents need to step up and remind the child just how wonderful they are and the potential they have within. They can also be quite nasty when angry with a one liner that will floor any opponent without warning, there is definitely a deadly sting to their tail . Never underestimate a Scorpio in an argument , they do not like to lose !!!
Ruling planet : Pluto ( originally it was Mars)
Element: water
Tarot card:Death
Body area : sexual organs
Flower: Geranium, rambling bush roses
Tree: most thorny bushes or trees.
Herb: witch hazel
Animal: insects in general.
Cities New Orleans, Liverpool, Halifax, Washington DC.
Countries: Morocco, Norway Korea
Crystal Traditional: Opal
Crystal modern* ( generation born after 2013): obsidian, smokey quartz and aquamarine.
Colour traditional: dark reds and maroon
Colour Modern * ( generation born after 2010) :Vivid green, Burnt orange,Lipstick red
* these are based on my own personal observations.