The 7 Auric fields and the part they play.
So you know what auras are and the pretty colours they can be, but what do you really know about the Auric field?

Photo credit to MINDJOURNAL
An Aura is an energy field that encompasses all living things. Many of us relate to auras simply as colours that can give us insights into the emotional state of others but there is a lot more to them then that. In fact, there are 7 different distinct layers that have been identified so far.
The 1st layer that is closest to the body is known as the Etheric Layer. This layer represents the physical health of the living organism it surrounds.
The 2nd layer is known as the Emotional Layer or Plane and it represents the emotions of the subject in question. This layer is the one that changes colour more frequently and most commonly depending on your mood. It is also the easiest to see by the wider majority of the population.
The 3rd layer is the Mental Plane and it represents logic, reasoning and thought frequencies.
Next we have the 4th layer or Astral Plane and this is the layer that deals with your spiritual health. It is also responsible for the storage of love memories and frequencies.
The 5th layer away from the subject is known as the Etheric Template which contains the frequency pattens for your psychic abilities.
The 6th layer is known as the Celestial Plane and this is the energetic layer that stores your dreams, intuition and also the plane of enlightenment.
The 7th and last known plane (so far discovered) is known as the Ketheric Template or Ketheric Casual Aura. This layer harmonizes all the other layers and guides you on your life path.
Most Individuals cannot see all the colours connected to each frequency, but rather focus on the first two layers for their visual interpretation. These are also the layers that we can pick up on aura photos thanks to specialized camera equipment. Rather than trying to determine the colours of the other layers, It is far easier however to sense the energetic "thickness" of the remaining layers and for highly experienced individuals to be able to interpret them individually.