2016 - It's the year of The Fire Monkey !
The year of the fire monkey will certainly be a cheeky one...but what does it mean on a global scale? Well, you can expect a lot of shake ups and a lot of extremes being played out across the world stage - politically, financially and weather wise. When it comes to the world overall - the key word will be industry - money made and lost....and then made again lol! The year seems to be full of drama and action with money being the driving force behind decisions rather than people’s needs. Although this may mean large scale job losses in the beginning to mid-year, it is actually all benefitial in the long term for those concerned (from the individuals perspective rather than just the corporations bottom dollar), so you need to view it as an opportunity for something better....because that is what the universe is doing on a global scale this year...it’s all for the empowerment of the individual. That saying " when one door closes, another opens " is definitely being explored this year!
Politically we will see some true leaders emerge and restore balance. Watch the lower ranks of the military now for future world leaders.Today a lowly corporal, tomorrow........a game changer! A little closer to home here in Australia and we will be watching a major political figure restore Australia’s reputation and make radical changes that will cause initial panic but will result in long term prosperity and stability. Finally, some common sense will enter the political arena....and about time to. the changes were a long time coming but at least, they will be done right....no more sitting on the fence and making excuses or passing the buck.
What about this crazy weather I hear you cry? well, just write off everything you THINK you should expect because it has all changed now. Last year it was all volcanoes and earthquakes but this time around its extremes of everything from mother nature... flooding of the coastal areas will be more commonplace as the oceans take back a little more of the planet. As we have already watched overseas,we can expect more of the same... super snowstorms, freezing cold, gale force winds, multiple lightning strikes that start intense forest fires.....you get the idea? the Monkey is ruled by the sun and although it is not given credit for heralding specific weather events, it is known for being a trigger so if you are planning events long term, it would be worth your while to check out the position of the other planets at that time....and then crank up the features of that planet x 10 * smile*. Being ruled by the sun, you would expect heat and droughts to be at the forefront of predictions but don’t forget - we are dealing with a cheeky monkey here......learn to expect the unexpected! You know that big bag you saw...the one with room for a jumper, sunscreen, snow skies and umbrella?......this would definitely be the year to buy it! This year will see a lot of life losses through cold not heat and it will be a time for many to get back to basics - and we are talking wood fires and gas lanterns.
When it comes to matters of health - don’t put off what you know needs to be done. There will be a major breakthrough from an Australian research group which will aid kidney and also tendon connections that will end up helping millions worldwide. GO AUSSIES!!!! Expect someone with a medical background to obtain a major medal award next time around.
In a way, you can expect that this is the year that new patterns emerge.., so start taking notes.......and let the festivities begin !!