AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)
Love is good, health is great and there will be changes for the better at your work curtesy of Jupiter. The only fly in the ointment will be on the money flow thanks to the retrograde effects of Neptune. Investments may take a downturn, I would be very careful and prudent with your money this month. Just hedge your bets and play it safe.
PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)
This month will be rather trying for you Pisces people with a lot of stress and strain coming from outside the family home. This month is definitely NOT a people interaction month if you know what's good for you. Work will see some changes in protocol or procedure which will be annoying and bothersome . Finances are being pulled rather heavily during this month and social situations may require more expenditure for less return. Home life could get tricky with tensions running high. Try to take it one week at a time to keep it as stable as possible. This month may be tricky, but you must not let it get to you. remember - its not all about you, its the outside worlds problems and you need to wait them out not over react this month.
ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)
Although there may be minor upsets in the love sector of your life, this month still sees you blissfully in control and keeping the upper hand despite any setbacks. There is nothing overly exciting in the career stakes either but you are still going forwards and that is a good thing. Even your health is nothing extraordinary during June... your June existence may appear to be boring and stagnant to the passing eye, but you are building firm foundations and preparing yourself for exciting developments ahead....
TAURUS ( 21st Apr - 20th May)
On the plus side, your health isn't going to be a major concern This would be a good time to remind you to be thankful for small mercies!. Everything else in your world during June is going to need effort to get results .Money may see a draining sensation in your bank balance that will need some extra hours/shifts/clients to keep your head well above water. blockages at work may see you contemplating a career move and for those in a steady long term relationship, expect a prickly partner 70% of the time. This month may require hard work and determination on your part but it will be worth it.
GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)
If it were possible to stay in bed with the covers over your head for an entire month, then June would be that month for you Gemini's out there. The start of the month sees a few conflicts, arguments and downright possible disasters . You will need to be very diplomatic and remember to keep your nose out of the affairs of others if you want to see some good come out of all this by the end of the month! I am afraid it will feel rather tense till the 17th before the pressure starts to ease.The planets are particularly being difficult for you with blockages in your career path, finances and love life. at least you have your health....
CANCER (21st Jun - 20th)
When it comes to accumulating money this month, you will have to put some extra effort in if you want to achieve better results. Expect major changes in your working environment as well, this could be anything from a new office to a whole new building. There is nothing wrong with your working life as such, but while the massive changes are taking place, there are bound to be a few hiccups. Your wonderful patient and understanding manor will come into play with your overstressed partner too. All the changes in your life are most definitely for the better. Your path is being cleared for a pretty spectacular result.
LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)
Wonderful opportunity for career advancement this month for Leo thanks to Jupiter. Expect your social life to at least double and there appears to be a likely connection or joining of a large association. Your finances may be tested a bit this month with all those social expectations but its worth it. Your health this month is nothing to write home about ,but nothing to be scared of either. Romance is sweet for singles but a little less comfortable for the old married folk.
VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )
Check, check and triple check everything this month Virgo. This month you get a bit sloppy with your work and with your sarcasm. expect mistakes if you get complacent . Finances are on a merry go round for the entire month , now would be a great time to rethink your budget . Romance will only be successful if you take the time to show you care. Do not take anything or anyone for granted during June or you will be the one kicking yourself. by July/august. You will be forced to make some major changes to , what you thought, were solid plans. Sleep is what you need, and you will not get nearly enough of it this month I fear.
LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )
The retrograde planets will have a rather sever effect on the Libras amongst us . Most of the areas of your life will see a slowing down to a snails pace. Financial investments and nest eggs should be carefully considered before locking yourself into any commitments. Relationships will be rather rocky and you will need to be careful of your words or they will cause major heart break. This month sees you very much out of balance, a good dose of Reiki, meditation and grounding should be followed daily to keep you in check.. This would be a good month to hedge your bets...make sure you have a few stray coins in your purse to give to charities and don't walk under ladders....
SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)
Health during June should be wonderful with many having respite for long term issues or medical breakthroughs. Money may slow down a tad due to larger than normal expenditure but if your career was flagging or strained, this month should give it the kickstart it requires. Venus will be causing a few surprises during June for many of you ( especially in the 25-35 group) with the possible announcement of pregnancies - congratulations its either twins or a boy....there will be a higher level of testosterone in your world sometime within the next nine months. for those of you in your perimenopausal state.. you should start noticing stray hairs during this time sorry, but fish oil and moonstones will become a part of your normal existence from here on in.
SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)
Mercury will cause a few upsets during June for you poor old Sagittarians. You may be living in a whirlwind of social engagements, but few of them will go smoothly and singles can rule out any long term commitments coming out of seemingly exciting prospects. Best bet for single is to just have fun with no strings or expectations. make friends not lovers this month. Finances seem to be ok, nothing flash though but I am expecting major clashes in the workplace. All this eggshell stepping during June does nothing for your health. Yoga would be a great idea...and maybe a blood pressure monitor.
CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)
The biggest thing for Capricorns during June will be health issues .Allergic responses, toxic build-ups, you even manage to get hay fever during winter!!! You just have to hear about glandular fever and you may as well spend the next week in bed.!expect the unexpected in all health situations because if its possible to catch it, you probably will. Your finances are pretty shocking this month ( probably as a result of all those trips to the chemist )and your workplace environment in just as chaotic. I do not even want to look at your love life. Patience will be the key.