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RAVEN WHISPERS for March 2019

This month has two important dates for all star signs to keep an eye out for:

the 7th new moon ( health/money concerns)

the 21st equinox.( major changes)

AQUARIUS ( 20th Jan - 18th Feb)

This is a very optimistic and positive time for you. It would appear that you have a lucky star following you this month because you always seem to be at the right place at the right time.You may feel the urge to make radical changes that will effect global situations and join or influence the masses. You must remember that you cannot save everyone and this may be your hardest lesson of the month. Financially, march gives you the opportunity to really shine. Manifestation is at an all time high, allowing you the chance to get in on the ground floor of a major, new opportunity.

PISCES ( 19th Feb - 20 Mar)

This month may be what you have been waiting for. Uranus is going to be in your sign for the next seven years , so anything is possible and shines with a bit of personal magic!The universal energies are working overtime to assist you in all your endeavors and open up your eyes to possibilities that were otherwise outside your scope of hope. This is about releasing past disappointments and embracing new frontiers. Sudden and positive changes could and will, make all the difference. This is the start of a whole new life. Remember to trust your gut and listen to your guides.

ARIES ( 21st Mar - 20th Apr)

You may start the month with great intentions but it would appear that reality will have a nasty habit of getting in your way. This month may leave you feeling rather frustrated .It is important that you keep your head held high as you are influencing those around you in their quests.Communication skills are important around the full moon and you may just find away around your personal and work blockages. Finances are far from happy till the end of the month.

TAURUS . ( 21st Apr - 20th May)

March opens awareness of long term visions for you.Expect more than one epiphany as this month progresses. Your psychic side may go into meltdown or overload with excitement and future possibilities so this month it is important to incorporate daily meditation or practice mindfulness . Career and living arrangement changes are firmly in your sights. Try to make sure your practical side has a chance to be heard before you jump in feet first. Money is dangerously unstable this month.budget please.

GEMINI (21st May - 20 Jul)

The start of the month may see you having to tighten your belt but this will improve for you as the month goes on. Carer developments are to be anticipated as a positive thanks to your ability to successfully communicate with those around you. The romance arena may also see a wonderful improvement if you learn to slow down and stop double guessing yourself. Let the others take the lead in the romance stakes and stop trying to micro manage those in your world. A romantic getaway could well be on the horizon.

CANCER (21st Jun - 20th Jul)

This is not the month to give up on your dreams. Changes may have to be made to keep on track but it is totally achievable. The new moon will allow you to strengthen your goals and harness new allies.This is the month to release everything that does not serve your purpose so take the time to DE-clutter your life physically as well as mentally. The pull of foreign lands may be strong this month and should possibly be investigated for a later date. This month may also see you pushing your money to its limits but you should be able to justify any losses down the track with results for your investment in your dreams.The end of the month should be financially impressive.

LEO ( 21st Jul - 21st Aug)

March could turnout to be a stressful month. Finances are strained and you are prone to miscommunications on a massive scale.Don't leave your rose colored glasses on rather than confronting colleagues and their intentions. Work environment could be up for radical changes and many will be on the lookout for different employment. Be wary of scams, lairs and fraudulent claims..Very simply put - this is the month where you need to GET REAL. Listen and speak your mind firmly as diplomatically as possible.Don't just settle for what you see or are told. Investigate the truth and stand behind it. Some changes may be painful this month but you are only closing one old door in order to open a bigger,better one later.

VIRGO ( 22 Aug - 22 Sep )

This month is apparently NOT all about you, but rather ,how you can be of service to the needs of others.Expect a lot of people to be wanting your time ,opinions,finances or assistance to further THEIR causes/needs/dreams.All in all, it may become a bit of a balancing act for you making this month extremely busy and leaving you time poor. Just a reminder not to loan out any money that you cannot afford to lose during March.Believe it or not, your assistance to others will pay off later in the year, earning you more respect and appreciation as well as allies to your later causes.This month will open new doors of opportunity and draw you into wider social circles.


LIBRA (23rd Sep - 22 Oct )

This month shall be rather busy for you and yes, you are allowed to be a little selfish. Exciting work prospects and opportunities may arise so keep your ears and eyes open. Social life is also getting a boost this month if you allow yourself to be adventurous rather than just playing it safe. This is a good time to take a chance on love.Living arrangements come under the spotlight during march with renovations or updates being contemplated or organized. Family is very important this month so don't forget to touch base.

SCORPIO ( 23rd Oct - 22nd Nov)

Scorpio creatives will get a real boost during March, so expect to get better acquainted with your muses.Home and family are very firmly put in the spotlight with Scorpio mothers leading the charge.Movement of all kinds is indicated during march with many breakthroughs. Travel papers or assignments are also a strong possibility so be prepared to start packing at a moments notice. Sudden house sales or purchases are also indicated for many Scorpio males.Intuition for both sexes is very high leading to a much happier home life as the month progresses. Guides are making their presence felt , especially through music.Success could make you cocky....just be careful not to trip on your own tongue.

SAGITTARIUS ( 23 Nov - 20th Dec)

Poor old Sagittarius , you will need to batten down the hatches and work,work,work during most of this month. well, at least until the Equinox on the 21st when you get to stop and see how much you have actually achieved. Hard work pays off.You are going to be challenged with new ideas of doing, well, just about everything. This is actually a really great time of transformation for you. A chance to make the changes you want become a reality in the years ahead.Do not be afraid to step outside your comfit zone and allow your true brilliance to shine. You are the brightest star in the galaxy, and you don't give yourself the credit you deserve.

CAPRICORN ( 21st Dec - 19th Jan)

The first half of this month may see you feeling a little used and overlooked. Try not to dwell on any negatives that may present themselves through others. This is a month were you do need to lean on others rather than everyone leaning on you so don't be afraid to build those personal boundaries. Your time will come but unfortunately the timing is against you this month. Perhaps you should re-evaluate your goals and make sure you are not just aiding the dreams of others? Money is tight, health is persnickety and relationships are strained. When you can, enjoy your own company rather than seeking out others.


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