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The year of the BROWN EARTH PIG and you !

Wondering how the year of the Brown Earth Pig will effect you personally over the year? Well here are a few little snippets to get you thinking.

If you are....

A RAT: .A tough year financially but hard work will carry you through. Personal relationships are turbulent.

An Ox:Smooth sailing domestically but your career path is more influenced by overseas circumstances then you realize.


A Tiger: Relocation seems most likely ( going east brings best results). Balance is hard to maintain but personal life is effected by work requirements.

A Rabbit:Wonderful , good celebrations ahead. Family life is pretty cruise but does have large expenses attached so be prepared.


A Dragon:Only minor problems ahead during the year of the pig. After your life ship carries you over the rocky coral outcrops ( feb/march) you will settle into a safe harbor.


A Snake:This Chinese year it is important to flow like a river during the first three month. Allow others to take the limelight to start with without jealousy as YOU will reap the reward later .

A Horse:This year sees slower progress for you in most areas accompanied by several small losses. fewer issues overall.Just keep pushing forward.

A Sheep: This is a major event year in your life. You can move forward with confidence.

A Monkey:Time to get serious. Become diplomatic and responsible as the year progresses. This is a year to follow the rules and do not cut corners if you don't want to be exposed.

A Rooster: Serendipity to the Max! This Chinese year holds unusual offers, possibilities and opportunity. Benefits are fulfilling in all areas.

A Dog:

This year will be highly successful both at work and at home. This will be all about partnerships. who do you need to carry you through the next evolution of your life?

A Pig This year gets you recognition for past efforts. This is the close of a twelve year cycle and represents a culmination of well earned success.You can sit back and accept all the wins you have along the way.

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